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5 Diets for Migraine Management

If you suffer from migraines, you know their onsets aren’t always so mysterious. A bad night’s sleep, high-stress levels, and even certain foods might trigger a migraine. For that reason,...

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Vacationing with migraine
How to Prevent Migraines While Traveling: 9 Simple Tips

Traveling should be about fun adventures, not battling migraines. Unfortunately, when you travel migraine triggers lurk around every corner. Long flights, skipped meals, and jet lag are a few things...

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The Migraine and Tinnitus Connection

Tinnitus, or the perception of sound when no external sound is present, affects millions of people worldwide. In fact, estimates suggest that as many as 10 to 25% of all...

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Skin sensitivity and migraine woman
Allodynia and Migraine: What You Need to Know

It’s hard to imagine a light touch or gentle breeze causing pain. But this is the reality for people with allodynia – a symptom of migraine that’s often overlooked. Allodynia...

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Woman with fan
How to Avoid Summer Migraines: 9 Tips to Beat the Heat

Summer is the season for beach trips, pool days, and outdoor fun. But for people with migraine, summer can be a real bummer. Between the heat, bright light, and changes...

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Migraine vs. Headache: How to Tell The Difference

You’re at work staring at your computer screen when your forehead starts throbbing. You pop an over-the-counter pain med and brush it off as “just a bad headache.” When in...

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Woman with concussion
Post-Concussion Headaches: Understanding and Managing the Pain

A concussion is a common injury to the brain that can cause a variety of physical, cognitive, and behavioral symptoms. One of the most persistent and debilitating symptoms following a...

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Breathing fresh air
The Overlooked Importance of Breathing

Breathing is quite literally the essence of life. Every few seconds, our bodies perform this vital function automatically without any conscious effort on our part. We inhale oxygen and exhale...

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Migraine Facts
10 Things People Without Migraine Don’t Get About Migraine

Ever wonder why your friend with migraine always cancels at the last minute? Or why your coworker with migraine misses so much work? Migraine is an invisible illness – so...

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10 Migraine Facts & Statistics that Everyone Needs to Know

Migraine is the second leading cause of disability in the United States and the third most prevalent illness in the world. For those of us who experience these debilitating symptoms,...

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Military Migraine
Honoring the Resilience: Migraine in the Military Service

The Invisible Battle If you suffer from migraine headaches, you understand how debilitating and incapacitating they can be. Now, imagine enduring the rigorous training that soldiers undergo while experiencing a...

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hemiplegic migraine
Hemiplegic Migraine or Stroke? How To Tell the Difference

Although nearly 40 million people in the United States struggle with migraines on a regular basis, only 1% of migraineurs get hemiplegic migraines. About 25% of migraine patients experience aura.1...

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