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mental health

Stress vs. Anxiety: How to Tell the Difference

With the exception of a few lucky ones, most of us have moments of stress or anxiety on a pretty regular basis. Stress and anxiety are both common – so common that the terms are often used interchangeably. And they also share a few overlapping symptoms. But despite their similarities, there are actually quite a few differences between experiencing stress and experiencing anxiety. Understanding what makes each of them unique can help you find more effective ways of coping with...
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stress on the body

Chronic Stress and Telomere Length: Why Stress Makes You Age Faster

Aging is an inevitable part of life – but aging prematurely is not. Premature aging is when the typical effects of growing old; skin deterioration, loss of physical strength, forgetfulness, etc., happen earlier than expected. More scientifically speaking, premature aging occurs when your biological age is older than your real (chronological) age. From a molecular standpoint, aging is the result of a phenomenon called telomere attrition, or telomere shortening. Telomeres are the protective caps at the end of each strand...
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Stress written in chalk

8 Vitamins and Herbal Supplements for Stress

There’s no denying that stress has become a constant fixture of our modern life. Work, family life, relationships, money, and now the COVID-19 pandemic are just a few of the many stressors we have to deal with on a daily basis.  By now, you probably already know that stress can take a significant toll on both physical and mental health. Left unchecked, stress can become chronic and lead to headaches, migraines, upset stomach, anxiety, fatigue, and more. Chronic stress can...
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increase life expectancy

How to Protect Your Health & Maximize Life Expectancy

The Single Most Important Fact You Will Ever Learn to Protect Your Health, Prevent Disease and Maximize Your Life Expectancy Not everyone is overweight, has high blood pressure, high blood sugar, or high cholesterol but… everyone is exposed to stress. No matter your age, who you are or what you do, when stress is chronic (constant and persists over an extended period of time) such as work problems, family conflicts, relationship issues, daily traffic, major life changes, or any response...
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children's migraines

STRESS – A Major Cause of Migraines Headaches in Children

Italian researchers at the European Neurological Society reported that stress was a major factor in 72% of migraines in children. Stress from school work, fear of failure, bullying and lack of sleep often caused by late night use of computers, hand-held devices or television were noted. Parents of children who suffer with migraines should be aware of these issues and do their best to help the child address and resolve them.   If your child has migraines (symptoms of headache...
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