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Best Ginger Tea Recipes
Homemade Ginger Tea – Recipes and Health Benefits

Ginger is one of the most widely used herbs in the world and has many health benefits. It is native to Asia but cultivated in the West Indies, Jamaica, and Africa....

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Avoid Menstrual Migraines and Non-Menstrual Migraines with a Natural Remedy

Worried about your next menstrual migraine attack? Menstrual migraines are often more severe, last longer, and are more resistant to treatment than non-menstrual migraines…  So what can you do? Consider...

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Woman with head pain
Surgery for Migraines? A Last Resort if All Else Fails

Some migraine sufferers get to the point where they will consider almost any option available to reduce or rid themselves of their chronic migraines. As surprising as it may be...

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Rebound Headache and Migraine
Stopping Rebound Headaches from Prescription Drugs

Rebound Headaches? Medication Overuse (MOH) is a common cause of recurring migraine headaches. Withdrawing from prescription or over-the-counter (OTC) drugs is important to recovering. MigreLief the natural migraine prevention supplement...

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Dallas Cowboy Claiborne Suffered Migraines for Years

Morris Claiborne of the Dallas Cowboys has been dealing with migraines since he was in high school.  Claiborne just returned to practice yesterday after dealing with a migraine.  The Dallas...

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Girl with migraine headache
Menstrual Migraines in Adolescents

Many adult and adolscent women who suffer from chronic migraine headaches find that many, if not most of their headaches occur between 2 days before menstruation and 2-3 days after...

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light sensitivity
Stepping into the Light is Difficult for Migraineurs

Migraine sufferers often get left in the dark during this popular time of year  For many people, summer is a time for taking vacations, drinking iced tea and lemonade, enjoying...

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Cindy McCain’s Battle with Migraines Inspires Campaign

Cindy McCain, who has suffered from migraines for more than 20 years recently launched the “36 Million Migraine Campaign” on the TODAY show.  This is an effort by the American...

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Migraine Story of an Instagram User Who Tried MigreLief for 3 Weeks

A young lady discovered MigreLief on the mobile phone app Instagram, “liked” & said “Just purchased this stuff, lets see if it works!” 3 weeks later she posted, “This stuff...

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children migraine
JUNE is Migraine Awareness Month – Pediatric Migraine Facts

JUNE is Migraine Awareness Month…Children Get Recurring Migraines Too! Pediatric Migraine Facts Many people don’t know that children also get migraines. Every day millions of parents watch helplessly as their...

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Waist to hip
Can Increased Body Weight Reduce Your Lifespan?

We have all known skinny women who think they are fat.  Some of us have known people who are overweight but just don’t see themselves that way. I’ve had men...

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guilty mom with migraine
Migraineur Moms – Chronic Migraines & Mother’s Guilt

Often there is a guilt felt among migraine sufferers, especially mothers, who sometimes feel they are letting their family down when needing to cancel family time, plans, or social events...

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