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What Do Weight-Gain, Poor Memory & Depression Have in Common?

Under: Calm & Clever, Food & Diet, Migraine & Headache, Stress

Many of you already know that stress is one of the most common migraine triggers.



The stress hormone “Cortisol,” which is released by our adrenal glands, can protect us in dangerous or trying times but if the stress is constant, then it can lower your immune system and add dangerous life threatening fat to your abdomen.

Cortisol is important for maintaining blood pressure and providing energy for the body.  Cortisol stimulates fat and carbohydrate metabolism for fast energy, stimulates the release of insulin and maintains blood sugar levels. The end result of these actions can be an increase in appetite.

Research has consistently shown that stress can and does, in some people result in over-eating and weight gain.  Even if you usually eat well and exercise, chronic high stress can prevent you from losing weight—or add pounds.

weight gain


Luckily, research is also showing that controlling stress can prevent weight gain.

Research published in the Journal of Obesity found that even without going on a formal diet, people who controlled their stress and just thought about what they were eating, prevented weight gain.

The question is, “How can I control my stress levels?”  Saying it is a lot easier than actually doing it  So what are some stress busting techniques that work?

1-    Certain B vitamins found in a B complex available in any health food store can help with the effects of stress on your body and hormones

2-    Regular exercise at least 3 times a week, for just 15 minutes,  if done in intervals (see 9XTrim Pulsed Interval Training explanation at can be a major stress buster.

3-    An herbal extract of Ashwagandha (one of the most powerful herbs in Ayurvedic herbal medicine) can really center you while decreasing the feelings of nervousness and anxiety caused by chronic stress.

4-    Meditation is a proven stress reducer.  Spending even a few minutes meditating can restore your calm and inner peace.  You can practice meditation wherever you are, whether you are walking, waiting for an appointment, or sitting at your desk.

5-    Structured breathing is very calming.  Breath in through your nose for 10 seconds, hold it for 30 seconds and then slowly release the breath through your mouth for 15 seconds.  Done once or twice every hour or two, can do wonders to keep you calm.

6-    Certain foods help reduce the effects of stress.  They are:

·   Oatmeal

·  Avocados

·  Walnuts, almonds, pistachios

·   Oranges

·   Salmon, Tuna

·   Spinach


In addition, consider using an Anti-Stress and Memory Enhancing nutritional supplement – Calm & Clever

Click here to listen to my radio segment about the effects of stress on the body, discussed on the Dr. Tony O’Donnell Show!

Now that you have a game plan, there’s no time like the present to improve your memory while getting calm, slim and happy!


To the Best of Health,

Curt Hendrix M.S. C.C.N.  C.N.S.