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vitamin D

mental health

Stress vs. Anxiety: How to Tell the Difference

With the exception of a few lucky ones, most of us have moments of stress or anxiety on a pretty regular basis. Stress and anxiety are both common – so common that the terms are often used interchangeably. And they also share a few overlapping symptoms. But despite their similarities, there are actually quite a few differences between experiencing stress and experiencing anxiety. Understanding what makes each of them unique can help you find more effective ways of coping with...
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Vit D capsule

Vitamin D for Migraine Prevention – Does it Really Work?

Vitamin D, aka the “sunshine vitamin,” is a nutrient with a long list of benefits. It strengthens the immune system, boosts your mood, and is critical for healthy bones. And thanks to recent research, there’s another benefit to add to that list: migraine prevention. Studies show that people with migraine are often deficient in vitamin D. In this article, we’ll break down what the research says and whether using vitamin D for migraine prevention is worth trying. Does Vitamin D...
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seasonal affective disorder

Coping with Seasonal Affective Disorder – 4 Tips to Manage Symptoms & Boost Mood

As the days get darker and the temperatures cooler, it’s not uncommon for some people to find themselves feeling increasingly sluggish and blue during what is supposed to be the “most wonderful time of the year.” In many cases, these feelings are only temporary (who isn’t feeling a little tired and sad heading into yet another pandemic Holiday season?). But other times, these emotions could actually be a signal of Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD, a common type of depression...
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Vitamin D and Immune System

Vitamin D and the Immune System | D2 & D3

Vitamin D is a family of fat-soluble vitamins naturally present in many foods. Some people call it the “sunshine vitamin” because the body produces this compound when the skin is exposed directly to the sun. Humans typically consume two types of vitamin D: D2 and D3. Vitamin D3 comes from animal-sourced foods and D2 is man-made, for the most part. Both types are available as over-the-counter supplements, but studies suggest that vitamin D3 might be better for improving vitamin D...
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Corona Virus

Covid (Coronavirus) and How to Fortify Your Body Against It

The coronavirus has disrupted life as we know it and caused much concern and confusion. News reports are constantly updating us on the spread of the virus and the Center for Disease Control (CDC) has closely monitored the situation since the coronavirus began spreading between people in America. The first confirmed person-to-person spread of this virus was on January 30, 2020. Previously all confirmed U.S. cases had been associated with travel to China. Many people have been infected worldwide and...
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vitamin d levels

Not Supplementing with THIS Vitamin on a Daily Basis? Start NOW!

If You’re NOT Supplementing with THIS Vitamin on a Daily Basis at THIS Amount …You Need to Start NOW! I am hard pressed to name a single vitamin that has consistently shown to be able to decrease all-cause mortality as well as cardiovascular and cancer mortality as Vitamin D-3 (cholecalciferol). The studies depicting these benefits continue to accrue. At this point in time, I recommend that everyone supplement at least 2000-5000 IU per day of vitamin D-3, with the goal...
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vitamin d

Vitamin D and Calcium Supplementation for Bone Fractures?

Vitamin D and Calcium Supplementation for Bone Fractures? – U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Reports I don’t know whether I should be happy, furious or frustrated Choosing to subscribe to the concept of “better late than never,” I choose happy with a pinch of frustration. You are probably right now asking yourself what the “h” is he talking about? I’m talking about the advice that 95 % or more of physicians give to their patients about preventing bone fractures, and...
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vitamin d levels

Could This Vitamin Improve Cancer Survival Rates in African Americans?

It is known by many nutrition oriented healthcare professionals, that African Americans tend to produce less Vitamin-D and tend to have lower circulating levels of vitamin-D in their bodies because of their darker skin pigmentation, which interferes with vitamin D production from sunlight. Cancer researchers note that African Americans have an increased risk of dying from certain types of cancers when compared to Caucasians. They postulate that these increased risks of dying from certain cancers may be due to their...
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sun and vitamin d

Sunlight, Vitamin-D and Protection Against Cancers

SUNLIGHT, VITAMIN-D AND PROTECTION AGAINST CERTAIN TYPES OF CANCERS GreenMedInfo is an excellent database for people interested in learning about natural medicines. Their article below about a meta-analysis of dozens of studies measuring the cancer protective benefits of sunlight exposure and the subsequent amounts of vitamin D that it generates, is important reading. Of course, some of you may be worried about the cancer causing effects of sunlight exposure, but it takes only 10 minutes or less of sunlight to...
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