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types of headaches

Migraine vs. Headache: How to Tell The Difference

You’re at work staring at your computer screen when your forehead starts throbbing. You pop an over-the-counter pain med and brush it off as “just a bad headache.” When in fact, it could be a migraine. Migraines affect over one billion people worldwide.1 While headaches are the textbook sign of migraine, they’re just one piece of the puzzle. So how can you tell if your headache is more than just a headache? Read on to learn the difference between migraines...
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Thunderclap Headaches | Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

A thunderclap headache is a severe headache that, as suggested by the name, strikes suddenly, like a clap of thunder. It typically reaches its peak severity within one minute of the onset and fades gradually over the next few hours. Thunderclap headaches are considered a medical emergency because they act as a warning sign for serious medical conditions. Do I have a thunderclap headache or a migraine? The most noticeable difference between migraine and thunderclap headaches is the intensity of...
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