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happy teens

Lifestyle Changes Decrease Risk of Migraines in Teens

Lifestyle changes can decrease the risks associated chronic migraines. Adolescents who smoke, are overweight, or are inactive face increased risk for recurrent headaches, according to a cross-sectional study in Neurology. Changing various lifestyle factors may be the key to migraine prevention for many teens.
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Why Wait To Treat The Pain? (Can You Prevent Migraines?)

Dr. Stephen Silberstein is one of the most published migraine neurologists in the country. His comments below are honest and very important for chronic migraine sufferers to understand. Chronic migraines sufferers “over-medicate” with either prescription pain-relieving medications or over the counter medications containing an OTC pain killer with added caffeine. Over-use of the medications cause additional “rebound” headaches and actually worsen migraine frequency. Many sufferers will use the medication to eliminate or reduce the pain of a current migraine only...
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Spring Migraines

Avoid Spring Migraines

The brain of migraineurs likes consistency. Many factors change with the seasons and influence migraines.   Changes in sleep patterns, light, air pressure, temperature, humidity, and fragrances, can all increase the frequency and tendency of migraines. Beware of hotter days. A team of researchers at Harvard found that an increase in temperatures occurred 24 hours before increases in admissions to emergency rooms for treatment of migraines.   There is not much a patient can do to control the weather or avoid...
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Girl with migraine headache

Menstrual Migraines in Adolescents

Many adult and adolscent women who suffer from chronic migraine headaches find that many, if not most of their headaches occur between 2 days before menstruation and 2-3 days after menstruation. These migraines are referred to as “menstrual” or hormonally related migraines. Correcting these imbalances can reduce or eliminate both migraines and many of the symptoms of PMS.
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FDA Warning: Anti-Depressants and Migraine Prescription Drugs

Taking Anti-depressants and Migraine prescription drugs can be dangerous and even a lethal combination. Many people who suffer from depression also suffer from migraine headaches. Unfortunately, the mechanism of action of many antidepressants is to increase serotonin (a feel good neurotransmitter) levels in the brain. Triptan drugs like Imitrex, which are used to reduce or end the pain of a migraine attack also work by stimulating serotonin receptors.
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Stop Rebound Headaches

Do Migraine Medications Actually Increase Migraines?

REBOUND HEADACHES: Can Some Migraine Medications Increase The Number and Frequency of Migraines? Rebound headaches from prescription and over-the-counter migraine headache medications – what you need to know! Many chronic migraine sufferers resort to taking prescription medicines called triptans when a migraine gets out of control. These medicines are used “acutely.”  This means you take them when you already have a migraine you want to try to stop.  These drugs do not prevent migraines from occurring. In fact, not only...
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Belly Fat and Migraine

Belly Fat and Migraine Risk

Is there a connection with belly fat and migraine risk? In a paper presented at the American Academy of Neurology, a recent study suggested that patients between the ages of 20-55 ( both men and women but especially women) who had a bigger waistline, particularly with excess fat around the stomach, were at increased risk of experiencing migraines. Waist circumference was found to be a better predictor of migraine activity than general obesity in both men and women up until age...
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heart health problems

Migraines and Increased Risk of Heart Disease & Heart Attacks

WOMEN WHOSE MIGRAINES ARE PRECEDED BY VISUAL OR VERBAL DISTRUBANCES (AURAS) ARE AT INCREASED RISK OF HEART DISEASE AND HEART ATTACK – JAMA 2006; 296, No. 3: 283-291. Women with migraines and no auras (by far the larger group) are not subjected to increased cardiovascular disease, heart attack and strokes…, but women who do experiences these auras need to decrease risk factors like obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and smoking. I strongly suggest that women in this category consider...
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brain, migraines

Avoid Brain Damage From Migraines with Prevention

The University of Pennsylvania, School of Medicine reported that middle-aged women who suffered migraines accompanied by either visual or speaking difficulties, known as aura, had higher risk of brain lesions in later life. This study seems to indicate that migraines are NOT benign and could be a progressive, brain damaging condition. In another study, Dutch researchers found that patients who had migraines accompanied by aura were at 13X the risk for having a cerebral blood clot (infarction) resulting in brain...
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Nutrition Expert Recommends MigreLief for Persistent Migraines

Nutrition Expert Joy Bauer (FOOD CURES) Recommends MigreLief for Persistent Migraines. Nutrition Expert Joy Bauer, MS, RD, CDN, often appears on NBC’s Today Show, CBNTV: The Joy 700 Club as well as Inside Edition and LXTV/NBC and is recognized nationally as a leading authority on health and nutrition. Joy is responsible for building one of the largest nutrition-counseling practices in the country. Located in both New York City and Westchester, Joy Bauer Nutrition provides medically sound dietary evaluations and interventions...
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