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hemiplegic migraine

hemiplegic migraine

Hemiplegic Migraine or Stroke? How To Tell the Difference

Although nearly 40 million people in the United States struggle with migraines on a regular basis, only 1% of migraineurs get hemiplegic migraines. About 25% of migraine patients experience aura.1 But only about 0.01% of the population suffers from hemiplegic migraine.2  What is a hemiplegic migraine?  The word hemiplegic derives from hemiplegia, which means paralysis on one side of the body. During a hemiplegic migraine attack, a person might have the same symptoms as a regular migraine – severe head...
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man with a migraine

It’s All in the Family: Are Migraines Genetic?

Although doctors and scientists still don’t fully understand what causes some people to develop this debilitating disorder, evidence suggests migraine can be hereditary. Keep reading to find out more about familial migraine. Not just a bad headache — understanding migraines People that have never had a migraine before tend to think they are just “a (really) bad headache.” And yes, a miserable, head-splitting headache is often part of a migraine, but there is so much more to this complex condition...
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