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How Sugar Suppresses the Immune System – Everything You Need to Know

The pandemic has put immunity at the forefront of everyone’s minds. Now more than ever, immune-boosting habits like regular exercise, quality sleep, and stress relief are crucial. Yet, even if you’re working out and taking vitamins every day, one food could be sabotaging your immune system. Yep, you guessed it – SUGAR. We’ve all heard the phrase ‘sugar and spice and everything nice.’ Well, what sugar does to your immune system is anything but nice. This article will spell out...
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family eating breakfast

Does Skipping Breakfast Increase Weight Gain & Diabetes?

While previous research has shown that skipping breakfast causes the brain to crave high calorie foods and can lead to weight gain rather than weight loss, new research completed at Harvard found that men who skip breakfast increase their chance of developing diabetes by over 20%. The elevated risk was even in men who were slim and healthy and ate fairly healthy diets. The study which was published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition followed over 15,000 men for...
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folate supplements

Birth Defects in Children of Mothers With Diabetes

  HIGHER RISK IN BIRTH DEFECTS OF CHILDREN BORN FROM MOTHERS WITH DIABETES. WHAT YOU CAN DO TO REDUCE THAT RISK? In an article published in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, researchers found that diabetic women who were not taking folic acid supplements at the time of their conception may double the risk of having a child born with birth defects. The researchers who were from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended that, “Clinicians should encourage...
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How to Lose Weight for Disease Prevention

What You Need to Know to Lose Lots of Weight, Avoid or Control Diabetes and Lower the Risks of Heart Disease and Even Cancer You are probably aware of the alarming percentage of Americans that are overweight or even obese. In no small way, the amounts of sugar that have crept into our diets from sources like sugary beverages, cereals and desserts, have not only rendered us over-weight but under-healthy with type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance increasing like never...
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