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cancer prevention tips

15 Cancer Prevention Tips

The International Agency for Research on Cancer projects that the number of people with cancer will increase by 75% by the year 2030 as we continue the unhealthy habits of our “Westernized” lifestyle and as developing countries adopt our lifestyle. As developing countries become more affluent they also pick up the bad habits of fast foods, huge portions, poor diets, and less exercise.
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U.K Study Reveals 20% Increase in Cancer Rates

Extra fat on our bodies leads to higher levels of circulating insulin and estrogen, both of which can significantly increase the risk of cancer. Fat cells known as adipocytes, use insulin to remove sugar from the blood and store it as fat inside of themselves.  When we are overly fat, the receptors on the fat cells can become insensitive to the effects of insulin (they don’t respond well to it and thus require much more of it to work to...
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