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  • Migraine & Headache

Sleep Deprivation and Migraines

Under: Migraine & Headache, Sleep & Insomnia

Sleep Deprivation Shown to Lead to Actual Changes in Brain Protein Associated With Migraine Pain

Perhaps you’ve read some of the past articles where I spell out the importance of consistent, quality sleep, for overall health and specifically for migraine sufferers.

Now researchers at Missouri State University have demonstrated that sleep deprivation actually leads to changes in key brain proteins that are associated with migraines developing.

These proteins, in essence, seem to render nerves more susceptible to expressing pain and these protein levels increase with increasing sleep deprivation.

Techniques to calm down your brain before going to sleep such as mediation, not thinking about work or other nagging responsibilities the hour before you go to sleep, taking hot baths, using natural supplements that are calming and shown to make falling and staying asleep easier, are all options.

To the best of health,

Curt Hendrix M.S. C.C.N. C.N.S.