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  • Migraine & Headache

This 4th of July Be Prepared for Migraine Attacks

Under: Migraine & Headache, MigreLief, MigreLief Products

Migraine Relief - MigreLief

It’s the 4th of July. Make Sure Only Fireworks Explode and Not Your Head!

This 4th of July… be prepared.  Keep MigreLief-NOW on hand at all times in case of an emergency and take at the first sign of discomfort.

The 4th of July is fun for most everyone. But certain aspects of what we do on the 4th can bring on a migraine attack.

Avoid common migraine triggers:

1- Barbequed meats, cheeses, chips, dips, pickles & olives, meat tenderizers, diet sodas – The chemicals found in these ingredients have all been associated with migraines

2- Loud Noises – Don’t get to close to the fireworks and cover ears if sensitive

3- Bright Lights – Consider wearing sunglasses when watching the fireworks

4- Alcohol – When combined with all of the above can bring on migraine in many people. So stick with water, fruit juice, coffee, or if available, beverages sweetened with stevia or erythritol.

What is best to eat?

Burgers without tenderizers, prepared with basic seasonings like salt and pepper. grilled chicken with vegetables, and fruit salads are healthier substitutes….don’t forget to drink plenty of water.

Don’t for get that Akeso Health Sciences, fast acting migraine formula, MigreLief-NOW is great to keep on hand during emergencies.  Adults should take 2-4 capsules at the first sign of distress (children age 2-11 take 1/2 the adult dose) and enjoy your holiday.

Hopefully these hints will keep you independent of migraines on Independence Day!


Curt Hendrix, M.S. C.C.N., C.N.S