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What are MigreLief Side Effects?


Q:  Does MigreLief have side-effects?
A:  There are no harmful side effects associated with MigreLief.

  • Riboflavin (B-2) can cause urine to become bright yellow. This is normal and harmless. Riboflavin is a water-soluble vitamin which means your body does not store it and it is eliminated in the urine.
  • Magnesium – Although rare, some individuals taking magnesium for the first time may experience diarrhea which should stop in a couple of days once the body adjusts. If this occurs, we suggest cutting the dose in half for a few days and work up to the full dose of 1 caplet twice a day with food.  NOTE:  It is generally recommended that all magnesium supplements be taken with food to avoid stomach upset for those who are sensitive to taking magnesium or vitamin supplements.
  • Feverfew – This herb is a member of the daisy family (Asteraceae). People who are allergic to ragweed or similar plants may also be allergic to feverfew.
  • If allergic to any of MigreLief’s ingredients, discontinue use.
  • As with most dietary supplements if allergic to any of the ingredients in MigreLief, cease taking it. Like all natural products, herbal medicines, vitamins, and other supplements– stop taking 7 days before any surgery and resume when your doctor says it is OK.

Biggest side-effect of MigreLief… Feeling good!


Note:  There is another product in the UK called Migraleve-Pink that is a drug containing codeine. Don’t be confused it you see side-effects associated with this non-MigreLief non-Akeso Health Science product.


AKESO formulates world class dietary supplements that provide nutritional support for the most common health issues that concern people most, such as migraines, headaches, joint health, stress & anxiety, memory, sleeplessness, ADHD, and more. Changing lives is the reasons we wake up every day passionate about the special products we provide to our customers. Helping you to get well and stay well is our bottom line.