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It’s Easy Being Green… and Healthy!

Under: Food & Diet, General Health

Many people wear something green to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day.  Don’t forget to go green inside as well!

There’s an ever-increasing amount of medical research demonstrating that certain green foods can really contribute to preventing certain types of cancer like breast cancer, colon cancer and prostate cancer.

This particular group of vegetables is known as cruciferous vegetables. They are called cruciferous because the petals or heads of the plants look like crosses. The best examples include broccoli, brussels sprouts, kale, and (though not green) cauliflower. These vegetables are a source of sulfur-containing compounds that have been shown to not only prevent these types of cancers but even slow their growth if they have already occurred. Although boiling reduces the level of the anti-cancer compounds, steaming, microwaving and stir-frying does not result in significant loss. They are also low in cholesterol, calories, and fat.

Try to include a few ounces of the vegetables at least 5 times a week in your diet

Brussel Sprouts


Brussels sprouts are loaded with vitamin K. Per cup, cooked Brussels sprouts pack over 250% of the recommended daily target for vitamin K. In addition to helping to clot blood, this nutrient plays a role in bone health and may help protect against bone loss.  The anti-inflammatory power of Brussels sprouts is tied to a reduced risk of chronic diseases.  Compounds in Brussels sprouts act like natural detoxifiers, meaning they help deactivate potentially damaging chemicals or shuttle them out of the body more quickly.  Several studies have linked an increased intake of cruciferous vegetables to a decreased risk of diabetes due to their antioxidant power and fiber content. The latter helps regular blood sugar and insulin levels.  Brussels sprouts also contain an antioxidant called alpha-lipoic acid that’s been studied for its potential ability to help improve insulin function.




Cauliflower is rich in fiber and B vitamins, making it a nutritious vegetable with several health benefits. In recent years, cauliflower rice has become a popular rice substitute, and its versatility makes it an excellent choice to incorporate into a balanced diet.


Benefits of cauliflower include:

Digestion: The high fiber content of cauliflower promotes gastric cleaning and prevents constipation.

Anti-cancer properties: Vegetables such as broccoli and cauliflower contain a compound called Indole-3-carbinol or I3C, which is a very strong antioxidant that keeps cancer cells in check. Sulforaphane also helps fight cancer cells.

Anti-aging properties: Cauliflower is packed with antioxidants and vitamins that prevent oxidative stress in the body and fights cellular damage.

Heart health: Folic acid and fiber content helps reduce the risk of atherosclerosis and myocardial infarction.

Weight loss: Cauliflower is low in calories and rich in fiber, keeping you feeling full for longer and preventing you from overeating.

Bone health: Cauliflower contains a good amount of vitamin K, which promotes calcium deposition. It is also high in vitamin C, which reduces damage to collagen in the bones.

Skin health: Sulforaphane has ultraviolet protection properties, which can reduce the risk of skin cancer and skin damage.

Hair growth: Sulfur-containing amino acids promote keratin production and better hair growth.



Broccoli contains lots of folates and fiber.  It helps reduce the risk of many health issues like obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and other chronic diseases. Benefits include

  • Nutrient-dense containing many vitamins and minerals
  • Reduces harmful effects of sugar
  • Positive effect on the nervous system
  • Helps prevent cancer
  • Lowers cholesterol levels
  • Improves eye health
  • Potent detoxifier
  • Treats gut disorders
  • Improves your skin
  • Prevents heart disease
  • Boosts immune system
  • Good for bone health
  • Regulates blood pressure
  • Treats anemia
  • Promotes weight loss