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smoothie recipe

Try this Healthy “Life Extension” Smoothie

I created the “Life Extension Smoothie” to provide some of nature’s most protective, healing and perfect nutrients to protect against those factors that cause aging and disease. There are numerous health benefits to combining ground organic flax-seed, omega 3 & 6 essential fatty acids and blueberries in a delicious protein smoothie. These benefits are described below following the recipe.   LIFE EXTENSION SMOOTHIE RECIPE 8 oz. (227g) fresh or frozen blueberries 2 Tbsp. (30g) ground flax seed powder 1 Tbsp. (15ml) Barlean’s Omega Twin* (organic flax...
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Life Extension Blueberry Smoothie

Life Extension Smoothie – Powerful & Important Health Benefits

I created the Life Extension Smoothie to provide some of nature’s most protective, healing and perfect nutrients to protect against those factors that cause aging and disease.  There are numerous benefits to combining ground organic flax-seed, omega 3 & 6 essential fatty acids and blueberries in a delicious protein smoothie.  These benefits are described below following the recipe. LIFE EXTENSION SMOOTHIE 8 oz. (227 gm) Frozen Blueberries 2 Tbs (30 gm) Ground Flax Seed Powder 1 Tbs (15 ml) Barlean’s Omega Twin (Organic...
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