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sleeping better

Fresh Start 2023

8 New Year’s Health Habits to Adopt in 2023

The past 12 months have been challenging but as we turn the page on the calendar, it is time to look ahead. Many people see the end of the year as a fresh start – a renewed opportunity to set goals, break old habits and focus on what’s important. For some, this means making a list of promises or resolutions, detailing the good practices they want to carry over to the next year or the new habits or goals they...
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How to Sleep with ADHD: Tips for Creating an ADHD-Friendly Bedtime Routine

Sleep problems are a common modern ailment. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report that ⅓ of Americans are sleeping less than the recommended amount, and studies show that about half of kids experience a sleep disorder at some point. But when you have ADHD, getting the rest you need every night can be even more challenging. The link between ADHD and sleep If you’ve ever woken up with a pounding headache, killer heartburn, and a rotten mood...
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Sleep and Mental Health | Better Sleep Helps Us Cope

Better sleep helps us cope with negative emotions and stress It’s no secret that sleep plays an essential role in physical health. Sleep is involved in many vital functions, like cell reparation and memory formation and consolidation. On the other hand, poor sleep is linked with worse health outcomes, including higher body weight, greater risk of stroke and heart disease, and more. But it is not just our physical health that can deteriorate when we don’t sleep enough. Research shows...
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