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Serotonin syndrome

woman with depression & migraine

Study Supports Link Between Migraines and Depression

Dr. Marc Siegel and Dr. David Samadi weighed in on Fox News Live this morning regarding a recent study that supports a connection between migraines and depression.  He stated, “90% of all headaches we have are migraines. It’s a very good study but we don’t know if it’s the fact that you have migraines that make you depressed… maybe your lifestyle changes, maybe it’s intractable because you are so bothered by the headaches.  Or is there something that the migraine...
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Antidepressants & Migraines – A Potentially Dangerous Drug Combination

COMBINING ANTIDEPRESSANTS AND MIGRAINE PRESCRIPTION DRUGS Taking antidepressants, like Pristiq, along with certain migraine medications can lead to dangerous and even life-threatening side-effects. Many people who suffer from depression also suffer from migraine headaches. Unfortunately, the mechanism of action of many antidepressants is to increase serotonin (a feel-good neurotransmitter) levels in the brain. Triptan drugs like Imitrex, which are used to reduce or end the pain of a migraine attack also work by stimulating serotonin receptors. This combination of antidepressants...
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