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8 Vitamins and Herbal Supplements for Stress

There’s no denying that stress has become a constant fixture of our modern life. Work, family life, relationships, money, and now the COVID-19 pandemic are just a few of the many stressors we have to deal with on a daily basis.  By now, you probably already know that stress can take a significant toll on both physical and mental health. Left unchecked, stress can become chronic and lead to headaches, migraines, upset stomach, anxiety, fatigue, and more. Chronic stress can...
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Sage Benefits – Improving Memory and Information Processing

The herbs and spices you use to flavor your food are also packed with powerful antioxidants that help fortify your body’s natural defenses and fight free radical damage. One of those powerful herbs is sage, an evergreen shrub part of the mint family. Sage is highly aromatic and has a characteristic earthy flavor that brings warmth and subtle citrus notes to dishes. There are over 900 species of sage types worldwide; other names include Salvia officinalis, garden sage, salvia, white...
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