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PMS & PMS Symptoms

Menstrual Migraines Last Longer, More Severe & Resistant

MENSTRUAL MIGRAINES CAN BECOME CHRONIC MIGRAINES Menstrual migraines that occur only monthly can progress into chronic migraines. Researchers are discovering that migraines beget migraines, the more you have the more you will tend to get. They are not sure why but suspect the brain goes into a state of hypersensitivity, making prevention- key. Menstrual migraines are fueled by the drop in estrogen levels just prior to menstruation. True “Menstrual Migraines” occur at the time of menstruation. “Menstrually Related Migraines” occur...
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menstrual migraines

Menstrual Migraines Hard to Control… Until Now!

If you think that your menstrual migraines are difficult and hard to control… you’re right!  At least until now! A study recently published in a well-respected medical journal named Cephalalgia found that menstrual and non-menstrual migraines differ in women who suffer from both kinds. Non-menstrual migraines are those migraines that do not occur within a few days before or after menstruation.  The menstrual migraines occur either a few days before the start of menstruation or a few days after menstruation...
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Does This PMS Make Me Look Fat?

Dieting and exercising – but still can’t lose weight? Hormonal imbalance and insulin resistance could be the culprits. Address the real problem and watch the pounds and bodyfat drop off! Healthcare practitioners often hear women complain that they do exercise and try to watch their diet but their weight loss is very slow or non-existent, and they even gain weight and body fat. How can this happen?  The answer is like the engine of a car, the body is a complex machine...
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