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pediatric migraines

children migraine

JUNE is Migraine Awareness Month – Pediatric Migraine Facts

JUNE is Migraine Awareness Month…Children Get Recurring Migraines Too! Pediatric Migraine Facts Many people don’t know that children also get migraines. Every day millions of parents watch helplessly as their children suffer from debilitating migraine attacks. Migraines in children often go undiagnosed because unlike adults, children can not easily communicate to their parents or physicians just what type of symptoms they’re experiencing. Many times they’re too young to articulate what they’re feeling so migraines go untreated for a long time....
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migraines for kids

Children with Migraines Do Not Have Many Options for Migraine Relief

Children with Migraines Do Not Have Many Options When it Comes to Migraine Relief  ~Reuters Health The article below from Reuters Health is another example of good reasons why parents with adolescent children or children as young as 2 years old, suffering migraines, should use pediatrician recommended MigreLief or Children’s MigreLief. (Reuters Health) February 4, 2013 – A drug-free placebo pill prevents migraines in kids and teens just as well as most headache medicines, according to a new review of past evidence. Researchers...
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migraines in children

Riboflavin Prophylaxis in Pediatric and Adolescent Migraine

Migraine is a common disorder in childhood and adolescence. Studies on adults show the effectiveness and tolerability of riboflavin in migraine prevention, while data on children are scarce. This retrospective study reports on our experience of using riboflavin for migraine prophylaxis in 41 pediatric and adolescent patients...
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