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pediatric migraine

Children’s Headaches Rarely Linked to Vision Problems

Pediatric migraines often go undiagnosed because unlike adults, children cannot easily communicate to their parents or physicians just what type of symptoms they’re experiencing. In many cases crying, lack of focus and symptoms of depression are attributed to things other than the actual problem. Migraines may also be under-diagnosed by doctors, due to the prominence of non-headache symptoms and the shorter duration of an attack. While adults typically have one-sided headaches, children often experience pain on both sides of the...
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migraine kids

Life as a Child with Migraines -Founder of National Migraine Association Shares His Story

Often migraines in children are dismissed by parents, teachers family members and friends who don’t understand the overall effect they have on a child. Below is an excerpt from an interview with The National Migraine Association (M.A.G.N.U.M) Founder and Executive Director Michael John Coleman discussing his childhood experiences with migraine disease.  He grew up with debilitating migraines and has dedicated his life to bringing public awareness to the fact that MIGRAINE is a true biologic neurological disease.  His non-profit organization...
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