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parents of adhd

Mom and ADHD hyper child

ADHD Parenting Tips for Symptom & Behavior Management

Raising kids is never easy. Whether you have one child or four, no one really goes into parenting knowing how to handle everything life throws at them. And this is especially true when you have a child with ADHD.  For many parents, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), makes it almost impossible to employ traditional parenting methods. Depending on the type and severity of your child’s ADHD, it can be hard — and sometimes incredibly frustrating — to find useful ways...
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ADHD boy unfocused

Natural Remedies for ADHD: 5 Lifestyle Tips for Parents

While prescription medications can be helpful — and sometimes even necessary — for managing attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), more and more parents are looking for complementary and alternative remedies to treat symptoms of ADHD naturally. What are natural remedies for ADHD? ADHD has traditionally been treated with stimulant medications that enhance concentration and help ignore distractions. But many of its symptoms can also be managed through drug-free therapies and remedies that have little to no side effects and still...
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