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nut nutrition

Healthy nut variety

Nuts & Nutrition – Can Eating Nuts Extend Your Life?

Nuts are nutrient-dense foods rich in unsaturated fatty acids and have been linked to lower cholesterol, better heart health, weight control, and even lower cancer risk. Read on to find out if eating nuts could extend your life. Compared to people who avoid nuts, those who eat nuts on a regular basis also tend to have: Lower systolic blood pressure Fewer risk factors for metabolic syndrome and a lower risk for diabetes Better cardiovascular health Reduced mortality risk by 23%...
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The Health Benefits of Nuts + Roasted Nut Recipes

Nuts make nutritious snacks and are an excellent source of essential micro-nutrients. They are also a good source of each of the 3 macro-nutrients, containing large amounts of protein, complex carbs, and healthy fat. Nuts are have been linked to lower cholesterol, better heart health, weight control, and even lower cancer risk. Compared to people who avoid nuts, those who eat nuts on a regular basis also tend to have: Lower systolic blood pressure Fewer risk factors for metabolic syndrome...
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