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man focusing

Improve Your Attention Span – 6 Strategies for Staying Focused in 2022

It’s 9:00 am on a Monday, and you’re ready to start the week. You’ve written a to-do list, brewed yourself a nice cup of coffee, and turned on the computer. And then, your mind starts to wander; “Did I feed the cat?” “Should I get takeout or eat in tonight?” “Is it true that plants can communicate with each other?” Why is it so hard to stay on task, especially when you have to do something boring, unpleasant, or just...
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10 Herbs and Supplements for Memory and Brain Health

Herbs for Memory Nootropics, also called “smart pills” or cognitive enhancers, are a class of natural or synthetic substances that support mental function. The name nootropic comes from the Greek nóos (mind) and tropein (to bend or to turn) – or “mind-turning.” FDA-approved prescription nootropics are formulated with stimulants and other synthetic chemical compounds. They are used to treat conditions like ADHD, narcolepsy, and symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. These drugs can cause serious side effects and physical dependence, so they...
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