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The Migraine and Tinnitus Connection

Tinnitus, or the perception of sound when no external sound is present, affects millions of people worldwide. In fact, estimates suggest that as many as 10 to 25% of all adults may have some form of tinnitus. In this guide we’ll explore what tinnitus is, its causes, types, effects, its connection to migraines, and effective treatment strategies to manage this condition. What is Tinnitus? Tinnitus is more than just an occasional ringing in the ears; it’s a persistent condition that...
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Woman with concussion

Post-Concussion Headaches: Understanding and Managing the Pain

A concussion is a common injury to the brain that can cause a variety of physical, cognitive, and behavioral symptoms. One of the most persistent and debilitating symptoms following a concussion are post-concussion headaches, which can be local, occurring only in the head, or more generalized, affecting other areas such as the neck and back. Post-concussion headaches can also mimic other types of head pain, such as migraines or tension headaches. In this article, we’ll explore post-concussion headaches, their causes,...
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Woman with Acid Reflux

Acid Reflux Therapy and Migraine – What You Need to Know

Exploring the Link Between Acid-Suppression and Migraine Acid reflux and related gastrointestinal conditions are common disorders affecting millions of people worldwide. To manage these conditions, healthcare providers often prescribe proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) and other acid-suppression therapies. However, recent research has found a potential link between these medications and an increased risk of migraines and severe headaches. Here’s everything you need to know about how and why antacids may increase your risk of migraine attacks. What Are Proton Pump Inhibitors...
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Vit D capsule

Vitamin D for Migraine Prevention – Does it Really Work?

Vitamin D, aka the “sunshine vitamin,” is a nutrient with a long list of benefits. It strengthens the immune system, boosts your mood, and is critical for healthy bones. And thanks to recent research, there’s another benefit to add to that list: migraine prevention. Studies show that people with migraine are often deficient in vitamin D. In this article, we’ll break down what the research says and whether using vitamin D for migraine prevention is worth trying. Does Vitamin D...
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mental wellness

Migraine and Mental Health: What’s the Link? Plus 5 Tips for Both

If you suffer from migraine, you know firsthand that it can do a number on your mental health. Migraine attacks can reduce your quality of life and even cause you to put your life on hold. It’s hard to get a handle on your mental health when you’re fearing your next migraine attack nonstop. Over time this can wear you down physically, mentally, and emotionally. No wonder migraine and mental health issues often go hand in hand! This article breaks...
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food cravings

Food Cravings? A Migraine May Be On The Way

If you are one of the 39 million Americans living with chronic migraines, you’re probably pretty familiar with the concept of migraine triggers. A trigger, sometimes called a precipitating factor, is anything that contributes to the development of a migraine attack. Things like high stress, lack of sleep, bright lights, loud sounds, intense smells, changes in weather, and certain foods and drinks, are known migraine triggers.  Since no two migraineurs experience the same triggers, keeping track of yours is a...
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Understanding Migraines: The Role of Inflammation

Anyone who has experienced a migraine knows it’s not just an ordinary headache. Migraine is a neurological disorder that affects one person in seven and is a significant cause of disability. Being one of the most prevalent diseases worldwide, migraine, and its accompanying disorders, put a significant burden on individuals and societies. That is why migraine researchers strive to learn more about it and its pathology. Though the exact pathology of migraine is still being studied, it has been found that several possible factors could...
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Omega-3 sources

A Diet Rich in Omega-3 Can Reduce Migraine Frequency and Intensity

Eating a diet higher in omega-3 fatty acids could reduce the frequency and intensity of migraine headaches, according to an interesting study published in the prominent British Medical Journal last week.  The study, which recruited more than 180 adults with frequent migraines (about 5 to 20 per month), randomly assigned participants into one of three diet plans to evaluate the effects of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in migraine inception and progression. The skinny on healthy fats Omega-3 and omega-6...
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Magnesium for Migraines – Is it Enough?

Studies have shown migraine sufferers with poor cerebrovascular tone have low levels of magnesium. Magnesium is a natural mineral that is necessary for healthy bodily function as it promotes heart health, stabilizes blood pressure, regulates nerve and muscle function, and builds bone, DNA, and protein. Magnesium is intimately involved in the control of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) glutamate receptors which play an important role in pain transmission in the nervous system and in the regulation of cerebral blood flow. Magnesium ions plug...
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More Than a Headache: The Social Impact of Migraines

Migraine is a common yet exceedingly debilitating neurological disease. According to the Global Burden Disease Study, migraines are among the top five most disabling conditions in the world, costing nations and individuals billions of dollars every year in productivity loss and healthcare expenditures. But the burden of migraines is not just economic. More than 90 percent of migraineurs report being unable to work or function normally during an attack, which can last anywhere between 4 hours to 3 days. Several...
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