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migraine statistics


10 Migraine Facts & Statistics that Everyone Needs to Know

Migraine is the second leading cause of disability in the United States and the third most prevalent illness in the world. For those of us who experience these debilitating symptoms, we are well aware of the toll they can take on our social life, productivity, and overall well-being. But despite being so common, migraines are also incredibly misunderstood. Whether you are a recurrent migraine sufferer, or know someone who is, we’ve put together a list of some of the most...
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Migraine Headache Facts

General Migraine Facts The word migraine comes from the Greek “hemicrania” and means “half-headed”, because of the stabbing or pulsating pain that is frequently experienced on one side of the head. Migraines date as far back as 4,000 years ago and are even referred to in biblical texts. Migraine is the most common neurological condition in the developed world: it is more prevalent than asthma, epilepsy and diabetes combined. The World Health Organization lists migraines 19th among the world’s most...
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chronic pain

Over 25 Million Suffer with Chronic Daily Pain

Over 25 Million People in the U.S. Suffer with Chronic Daily Pain. Is there a Safe Alternative to the Chronic Ingestion of Pain Killers and their Associated Side-Effects? What can the 25 million people in the United States who suffer chronic daily pain do that is safe and won’t expose them to the health risks of chronically ingesting pain killers?  Side-effects include heart attack, stroke, kidney damage, liver damage, ulcers and bleeding. Over 20 years ago, due to playing competitive tennis...
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