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migraine pain

[Study] Link Between Children Migraine and Depression

HEADACHES IN CHILDREN SHOULD NOT  BE DISMISSED!  One out of 4 children will have complained of headache pain before the age of 15.  Parents often dismiss headache complaints by children, or merely address the problem with a painkiller and a nap, not knowing their child may be on a path to a lifetime of suffering migraines. Childhood migraines are often different than adult migraines. While adult migraines often last four hours or more, and settle on one side of the head, in a child,  a...
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migraine headaches

Understanding Your Migraine Pain

Pain experience is individual.  Everyone experiences pain differently, due to so many varying factors. Your current state of health, including whether or not other diseases are present, childhood experiences, mood, environment, and previous experiences of pain are all factors in how you experience pain now. Pain is only good as a warning. According to the Institute of Medicine’s recently released study, “While pain sometimes can serve as a warning sign that protects individuals from further harm, chronic pain is harmful...
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Sleep Deprivation and Migraines

Sleep Deprivation Shown to Lead to Actual Changes in Brain Protein Associated With Migraine Pain Perhaps you’ve read some of the past articles where I spell out the importance of consistent, quality sleep, for overall health and specifically for migraine sufferers. Now researchers at Missouri State University have demonstrated that sleep deprivation actually leads to changes in key brain proteins that are associated with migraines developing. These proteins, in essence, seem to render nerves more susceptible to expressing pain and...
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