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Menieres disease

Vestibular Migraine | Migraine with Vestibular Symptoms

Vestibular migraine is considered one of the most common causes of recurrent spontaneous vertigo attacks.  Because of the broad spectrum of symptoms with or without headache, it is not always a clear-cut diagnosis and experts believe vestibular migraine is often underdiagnosed. What are vestibular migraines? The term “vestibular migraine” is not a real medical classification. A more accurate description would be migraine with vestibular symptoms. The vestibular system in the inner ear, is one that maintains balance and equilibrium. Therefore...
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vestibular migraines

Vestibular Disorder or Migraine with Vestibular Symptoms?

The term “vestibular migraine” is not a real medical classification. A more accurate description would be a migraine with vestibular symptoms. The vestibular system in the inner ear, is one that maintains balance and equilibrium. Therefore vestibular symptoms are dizziness, vertigo (a sense of spinning or motion when at rest), or loss of balance and disequilibrium.   Basilar migraines can also present with vertigo and tinnitus. Menieres disease (a condition with similar symptoms) is often diagnosed when in fact the...
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