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Japan Nuclear Meltdown

Plutonium Leaks in Japan: What Are the Real Dangers?

Plutonium Leaks in Japan What are the real dangers? Because of the Japan nuclear accidents, many people are reading about and becoming concerned about plutonium. The information below should serve to put your mind at ease about any risk we in the U.S. might have due to plutonium exposure. Plutonium is a man made element created from uranium and used as a fuel in nuclear power plants. External exposure to plutonium presents very little risk because it throws off weak...
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what is radiation?

What Is Radiation? How Does It Affect My Body?

What is radiation? How does it affect my body? How does radiation cause cancer? It is important to understand the nature of radiation and its affect on the human body. Knowing which foods and supplements to add or eliminate will increase the odds of avoiding cancers from radiation exposure.
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radiation risks

How to Protect Yourself Against Nuclear Radiation

To prevent our thyroids from absorbing the radioactive iodine in the air, it is recommended to take the supplement Potassium Iodide. This non-radioactive source of iodine will saturate the thyroid with healthy iodine and prevent the absorption of the radioactive iodine which can destroy the thyroid and/or cause thyroid cancer.
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