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Heart Disease

fake sugar

Do Artificial Sweeteners Raise the Risk of Heart Disease?

Many people turn to artificial sweeteners to cut back on sugar and slim down. But in the past 10 years, they’ve become a topic of hot debate. Previous research has linked these sugar substitutes with obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, and even cancer. And a recent study suggests artificial sweeteners may raise the risk of cardiovascular disease too. This article will break down the link between artificial sweeteners and heart disease and how to choose the best sweetener for you....
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Man with hand on heart

How the Pandemic May Have Increased Your Heart Disease Risk

As yet another variant COVID-19 threatens the world with renewed restrictions and canceled flights, it’s starting to seem like this pandemic ‘ain’t over til it’s over.’ And now, after almost 2 years of battling with the coronavirus, we’re slowly starting to learn of the many consequences a worldwide pandemic can really have on the physical and mental health of the population. For one, we now know that at least one in five adults delayed or avoided seeking healthcare at the...
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Poor Gut Health Might be Connected to Severe COVID-19

For decades, scientists have been studying the role the human microbiome plays on health. The gastrointestinal tract, or simply the “gut,” is made up of a series of organs essential for breaking down food, absorbing nutrients, and excreting waste. But it also harbors a vibrant, complex community of trillions of bacteria, fungi, and other microbes that together make up the gut microbiome. In addition to controlling digestion, the gut microbiome is in constant close communication with the immune system. In...
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fats vs sugar

Advice on Saturated Fats Has No Scientific Basis

I read reams of newly published scientific and medical studies published in peer-reviewed journals every month. It seems that barely a week goes by where I don’t read an article or blog where some physician or registered dietician talks about the dangers and health risks of consuming saturated fats. If the most recent research disproving this is brand spanking new, then I can understand how authors may not have “caught up” yet but when its years old…there’s no explanation other...
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heart health problems

Migraines and Increased Risk of Heart Disease & Heart Attacks

WOMEN WHOSE MIGRAINES ARE PRECEDED BY VISUAL OR VERBAL DISTRUBANCES (AURAS) ARE AT INCREASED RISK OF HEART DISEASE AND HEART ATTACK – JAMA 2006; 296, No. 3: 283-291. Women with migraines and no auras (by far the larger group) are not subjected to increased cardiovascular disease, heart attack and strokes…, but women who do experiences these auras need to decrease risk factors like obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and smoking. I strongly suggest that women in this category consider...
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