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ginger tea

10 Healthy Drinks for Migraine Relief + Healthy Recipes

If you’re one of the 39 million Americans that suffer from migraine, you know how debilitating attacks can be. Between the throbbing headache and medley of other bothersome symptoms, migraine can severely affect your daily functioning. Migraine attacks often strike out of nowhere, wrecking your plans, and making you feel miserable in the process. That’s why when it comes to migraine, prevention is the secret sauce. Diet, lifestyle, and nutritional support can provide massive relief from migraine symptoms and even...
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Health Benefits of Ginger

Ginger: a healthy spice with a growing list of important health benefits

In its natural form, ginger root has been used as a “cure” in many cultures for thousands of years, especially in Chinese medicine. Now even conventional, allopathic clinicians and researchers are starting to recognize its benefits. Anti‐inflammatory, antioxidant, antitumor, and antiulcer effects of ginger have been proven in many scientific studies. Ginger contains over 200 hundred natural compounds some of which can help to reduce inflammation, pain, and risk for several chronic conditions according to recent studies. Here is a...
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