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dietary supplements

The Costly American Healthcare System

The power of huge corporations and politics adds up to Americans paying the most in the world for healthcare yet two years ago we were ranked dead last for the fifth time in the developed world and last year the World Health Organization listed the U.S as 37th in overall efficiency.  A few of the 36 countries that rate higher than the U.S. are France, Italy, Singapore, Spain, Israel, Austria, Portugal, Greece, Ireland, Columbia, Germany, the UK, Sweden, Canada, Chile…...
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Are Dietary Supplements Actually Safer Than the Food We Eat?

It was recently reported that a study done by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) stated that supplements caused 23,000 visits to emergency rooms last year. If you were not aware of the trend by pharma companies and organizations like the CDC that work closely with them, to sway you into believing synthetic pharmaceutical drugs are safe and dietary supplements are not, you might think 23,000 is a lot of people, even assuming all 23,000 visits were correctly attributable to...
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