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CBD Oil for ADHD: Evidence, Benefits and How to Use it

These days, it seems like you can’t throw a rock without knocking over a bottle or two of CBD oil. This naturally occurring chemical derived from the marijuana plant is everywhere right now, from wellness supplements to skincare products, and even pet supplies.   So, what exactly is CBD? CBD stands for cannabidiol, an active ingredient found in the Cannabis sativa plant. When we hear the word “cannabis,” we automatically think of marijuana — aka weed, pot, ganja, etc. But that’s...
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Unless you have been living on a remote tropical island (and if you are I am jealous),  it is unlikely that you have not been exposed to the nonstop hype and claims about CBD being a cure for every illness known to men or women– So I felt a need to put this huge and growing topic into perspective for my readers.  In other words, what we do and do not know, and whether or not there is a rational...
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