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Brain Health

5 Recommended Habits for a Healthier Brain

How to Maintain a Healthier Brain Your brain and spinal cord — together, the central nervous system — control every single aspect of your existence. They’re responsible for every thought, emotion, and desire that you feel, and are also in charge of fine-tuning most of your inner functions, like your temperature, heart rate, breathing, and much more. But as life expectancy expands, neurological disorders and age-related cognitive decline have become a major cause for concern. As a result, cases of...
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Walking for health

Improve Your Memory With a 10 Minute Walk!

In a day and age where so many of us are overworked, overscheduled, and overcommitted, do you have 10 minutes to spare? Hopefully you do, because evidence suggests that as little as 10 minutes of very light exercise daily can be good for your brain! A bit of exercise can help sharpen your memory, and facilitate neuronal changes that enhance learning and thinking. Research indicates that yes – you can actually improve your memory with just a short 10 minute...
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10 Herbs and Supplements for Memory and Brain Health

Herbs for Memory Nootropics, also called “smart pills” or cognitive enhancers, are a class of natural or synthetic substances that support mental function. The name nootropic comes from the Greek nóos (mind) and tropein (to bend or to turn) – or “mind-turning.” FDA-approved prescription nootropics are formulated with stimulants and other synthetic chemical compounds. They are used to treat conditions like ADHD, narcolepsy, and symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. These drugs can cause serious side effects and physical dependence, so they...
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