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Pioneered and patented by scientist Curt Hendrix, M.S., C.C.N., C.N.S. the MigreLief line of dietary supplements have been changing the lives migraine sufferers for over 2 decades. MigreLief is a safe and effective nutritional option for adults and children age 2+ who suffer chronic or episodic migraines. MigreLief is available in 3 daily maintenance formulas and one fast-acting, acute formula (taken as-needed), MigreLief-NOW
Formed in 1992, Akeso is a condition specific, specialty dietary supplement company dedicated to the research and development of natural medicines and innovative, leading edge solutions for migraine sufferers. Akeso’s Chief Scientific Officer, Curt Hendrix has been a Principal Scientific Investigator for the National Institutes of Health studying the benefits of natural medicine on Alzheimer’s disease.

Winner of Amazing Wellness Award, “Best Herbal Remedy of 2018”.
Not just for migraines and headaches, MigreLief-NOW may be used daily for joint health and overall comfort.

Calm & Clever enhances memory & recall, reduces stress (maintains healthy cortisol levels) and protects against hippocampal atropy that can occur with age.
Hot New Products
Now available – Sleep All Night (healthy restorative sleep aide formula), All Joints Ultra (joint comfort and support).
Coming soon – Calm & Clever (stress/memory), Attentivite (focus/attention), Pressuricin (healthy blood pressure), and Immune Patrol (immune support).
Questions? Email or call 1-800-758-8746