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  • Migraine & Headache

Migraines Confer a Protective Effect Against Breast Cancer

Under: Migraine & Headache, Women's Health

Research published in 2009 indicates that women with migraine headaches have a reduced risk of developing breast cancer. 4500 pre and postmenopausal women between the ages of 34-65 were studied and the results were that women with migraines regardless of their age of menopausal status had a 26% lower risk of having breast cancer. The researchers at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center stated that they did not understand how migraines conferred their protective effect against breast cancer and further research was needed to try to understand its mechanisms.

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center (2009, July 10). Link Between Migraines And Reduced Breast Cancer Risk Confirmed In Follow-up Study. ScienceDaily