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Which MigreLief is right for me?


For drug-free fast-acting nutritional support, we recommend MigreLief-NOW

    • “NOW” may be taken with food for on-the-spot nutritional support, at the first sign of discomfort.
    • If you suffer migraines chronically and feel you need additional nutritional support, you may add NOW to your morning dose of Original, Menstrual or Children’s MigreLief on a daily basis.
    • Note:  MigreLief-NOW is not meant to replace your MigreLief daily maintenance formula.  It is a fast-acting formula to be taken “as-needed”, or used in addition to your daily MigreLief supplement if necessary.



    • Do you suffer from headaches that:
    • Present with pain on one side of the head
    • Pulsate or throb
    • Are aggravated by routine physical activity
    • Prevent normal activity
    • Are accompanied by nausea or vomiting
    • Are sensitive to light and sound
    • Are accompanied by visual or speech disturbances



  • Do your migraines mostly occur just before, during or after your period?
  • Do you consistently suffer from symptoms of PMS like cravings, bloating, breast pain, anxiety, tension, irritability/anger, difficulty concentrating or sleeping, depression, each month?
  • Have you been told that you suffer from bouts of low blood sugar, that leave you feeling tired, sleepy or dizzy in addition to your migraines?
  • In addition to your migraines, do you experience irregular menstrual cycles?
  • In addition to your migraines, have you been told that you suffer from PCOS? (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) accompanied by one or more of: ovarian cysts, irregular menstrual cycles, hair loss or thinning on the head, hair growth on the face, back or arms and/or acne?

What do Migraine sufferers say about MigreLief?

  • “It’s been years since I enjoyed such freedom. MigreLief has truly changed my life. Thank you a million times over.” – CW
  • “I’ve tried everything. Nothing worked like MigreLief.” – JS
  • “No one could have been more skeptical than I was. Having been disappointed time after time, I almost didn’t try MigreLief. What a mistake that would have been! If anyone is still skeptical after reading your scientific information, have them call me.” – JB
  • “Thank you, thank you, thank you! If MigreLief was ten times the price, it would still be worth it.” – QK

What are Doctors saying about MigreLief?

“My patients and I have been pleased with a supplement called MigreLief, which contains the amounts of magnesium, riboflavin, and feverfew I recommend. After almost 9 years of scientific study… plus experience with hundreds of patients, I can confidently say that the “Triple Therapy” found in MigreLief is a new approach to migraines”. – Dr. Alexander Mauskop M.D., Director New York Headache Center.

“MigreLief has been highly effective in my practice” – Dr. Dennis Dietrich M.D., Advanced Neurology Specialist, Great Falls, Montana.
“I have found the product to be highly effective in approximately 80% of patients for whom I have prescribed MigreLief” – Dr. Robert Kirschbaum, Rancho Cucamonga, California.

What can cause migraines?

Migraines are complex neurological disorders that can be influenced by various factors. While the exact cause of migraines is not fully understood, several factors are known to contribute to their development:

Genetics: Migraines often run in families, suggesting a genetic component to the disorder. Specific genes related to migraine susceptibility and headache patterns have been identified through research.

Neurological Factors: Changes in brain activity and neurotransmitter levels are associated with migraines. Imbalances in neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine, and calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) can play a role in triggering migraine attacks.

Hormonal Changes: Fluctuations in hormones, particularly estrogen, can influence migraine patterns. Many women experience migraines related to their menstrual cycle, such as menstrual migraines, which are often triggered by hormonal shifts.
Environmental Factors: Environmental factors such as changes in barometric pressure, strong smells, loud noises, and bright or flickering lights can trigger migraines in some individuals.

Neurovascular Theory: This theory suggests that changes in blood flow and blood vessels in the brain can contribute to migraine episodes. Blood vessels may dilate and become inflamed during a migraine attack, leading to pain and other symptoms.
Central Sensitization: People with migraines may have a heightened sensitivity to sensory stimuli, known as central sensitization. This increased sensitivity can lead to amplified pain responses and other symptoms during a migraine episode.

TRIGGERS – Everyone may have different migraine triggers.  Some people have no identifiable migraine trigger at all.  Here are some of the more common migraine triggers:

Weather:  While the exact mechanisms of weather-related migraines are not fully understood, several factors are thought to contribute to this phenomenon:

  • Barometric Pressure: Changes in barometric pressure, which is the pressure exerted by the atmosphere, can influence migraine occurrence. Falling barometric pressure (associated with approaching storms or changes in weather patterns) has been linked to an increased risk of migraines for some people. It’s believed that these pressure changes can affect the pressure inside the skull, leading to headaches in susceptible individuals.
  • Temperature Fluctuations: Extreme temperatures, especially heat and humidity, can trigger migraines in some individuals. Exposure to hot and humid conditions can lead to dehydration and increased vasodilation (widening of blood vessels), which are potential migraine triggers.
  • Wind: Strong winds, particularly gusty or turbulent winds, can be a trigger for migraines. Windy conditions may lead to changes in air pressure around the head and face, affecting blood flow and sensory receptors, potentially triggering headaches.
  • Allergens: Weather changes can also affect allergen levels in the environment. For people sensitive to allergens such as pollen, dust, or mold, increased exposure during certain weather conditions can trigger allergic reactions and subsequent migraine episodes.

Strong smells — even nice ones — trigger migraines in many people. Why this happens is unclear, but the odors may stimulate the nervous system. The most common culprits are paint, dust, perfume, and certain types of flowers.

Bright lights – While sensitivity to light, also known as photophobia, is a common side effect of migraines, bright lights and glare, especially if flickering, can induce migraines as well.

Physical over-exertion – Exercise-induced migraine episodes tend to occur more often in association with certain vigorous or strenuous sports, activities or workouts.

Dehydration – can contribute to the development of migraines in some individuals. Here’s why:

  • Changes in Blood Volume: Dehydration leads to a decrease in blood volume, which can affect blood flow to the brain. Reduced blood flow and changes in blood vessel function are associated with migraine attacks.
  • Electrolyte Imbalance: Dehydration often involves an imbalance of electrolytes such as sodium, potassium, and magnesium. These electrolytes play crucial roles in nerve function, muscle contraction, and maintaining fluid balance in the body. Imbalances can trigger neurological symptoms, including headaches and migraines.
  • Increased Sensitivity: Dehydration can make the brain more sensitive to various triggers, including changes in environmental conditions (like heat or humidity), stress, and sensory stimuli. This heightened sensitivity can lower the threshold for migraine attacks in susceptible individuals.
  • Vasoconstriction: Dehydration can lead to the constriction of blood vessels in the brain (vasoconstriction). While this is a natural response to conserve water in the body, it can also contribute to headaches and migraines, especially when combined with other triggers.

Stress – may trigger migraines in various way:

  • Neurological Sensitization: Stress can lead to changes in brain chemistry and function, including alterations in neurotransmitter levels and activity. These changes can increase the sensitivity of the brain to various stimuli, including pain signals associated with migraines.
  • Muscle Tension: Stress often causes muscle tension, particularly in the neck, shoulders, and head. This muscle tension can contribute to the development of tension headaches, which may then trigger migraines in susceptible individuals.
  • Hormonal Changes: Stress can influence hormone levels, such as cortisol (the stress hormone) and adrenaline. Fluctuations in hormones, especially in women, have been linked to migraine attacks.
  • Emotional Factors: Stress is closely linked to emotions such as anxiety, frustration, and sadness. Emotional stressors can directly contribute to the onset or worsening of migraines in some people.
  • Lifestyle Factors: When stressed, individuals may engage in behaviors that can trigger migraines, such as poor sleep, irregular eating patterns, increased caffeine or alcohol consumption, and reduced physical activity.

Certain Foods and Skipped Meals:  One of the most common migraine triggers is aged cheese, including blue cheese, brie, cheddar, feta, mozzarella, parmesan, and Swiss. These foods contain tyramine which can cause a migraine. Red wine and some alcoholic drinks also contain tyramine. Cold cuts and processed meat contain both tyramine and nitrates which can also affect many migraine sufferers.

Caffeine:  Though caffeine is found in many headache medications, it is actually a cause of rebound headaches though it is difficult for people who are use to consuming large amount of caffeine to withdraw from it, doing so can significantly reduce migraine frequency and intensity.

Other Triggers:

• dairy products*
• chocolate
• eggs
• citrus fruits
• meat**
• wheat (bread, pasta, etc.)
• nuts and peanuts
• tomatoes
• onions
• corn
• apples
• bananas

* Includes skim or whole cow’s milk, goat’s milk, cheese, yogurt, etc.
** Includes beef, pork, chicken, turkey, fish, etc.


What lifestyle changes can help?

Making a few minor changes in your lifestyle can make your migraines more bearable. Improving sleep habits is important for everyone, and especially those with headaches. What you eat also has a huge impact on migraines, so dietary changes can be extremely beneficial, too.

Avoiding Food Triggers. – See triggers

Healthy Diet. One study indicated that a low in fat/ high complex carbohydrate diet may significantly reduce the frequency, severity, and duration of migraine headaches.

Eating Regularly.

Eating regularly is important to prevent low blood sugar. People with migraines who fast periodically for religious reasons might consider taking preventive medications.

Fish Oil. Some studies suggest that omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in fish oil, have anti-inflammatory and nerve protecting actions. These fatty acids can be found in oily fish, such as salmon, mackerel, or sardines. They can also be obtained in supplements of specific omega-3 compounds (DHA-EPA).

Aerobic Exercise – Exercise relieves stress to put it simply, more specifically, exercise leads to the release of certain neurotransmitters in the brain that alleviate pain, both physical and mental, called Endorphin’s. Endorphin is the brain’s painkiller, and it is 3 times more potent than morphine. Low impact, moderate exercise has been shown to help in the prevention of migraines. Walking, hiking, treadmill or elliptical machines are good choices.

Always start with a gentle stretch, incorporating breathing techniques as taught in Yoga or Pilates. Taking a deep breath through the nose releases a gas produced in the sinus cavity that when inhaled into the lungs, significantly enhances your lung’s capacity to absorb oxygen. This gas is lethal to bacteria and viruses and is also known to increase oxygen absorption in your lungs from 10-25 percent. The result? You enter a relaxed state which is perfect combined with stretching and will work in your favor in preventing those migraines.

Move on to a warm up to get the blood flowing to every part of your body then proceed into your workout. Remember not to do anything too suddenly or vigorously.

Behavioral Treatments – Many neurologists who specialize in treating migraine patients recommend behavioral techniques that reduce stress and help patients to identify it. Research indicates between 35 – 50% reduction in migraine and tension-type headaches with these techniques. generally include:

* Biofeedback therapy
* Cognitive-behavioral therapy
* Relaxation techniques

Avoiding Oral Contraceptives – Oral contraceptives (OCs) have been associated with worse headaches in 18 – 50% of women and have also been linked to a higher risk for stroke in women with classic migraines (with auras). This is due to the hormonal modulation that these kinds of drugs cause.

Why your prescription medication works against you – Many migraine sufferers use either prescription medicines like triptans (i.e. Immitrex, Zomig) or over the counter medications many of which contain caffeine. When these medications are consistently used many times a week they actually cause significantly more migraines to happen, even though they may help the current migraine at hand.

Many prescription drug users will find the need to take more of the drug in a day or two because they think the migraine they had returned, when in fact it is a new migraine. THIS IS REFERRED TO AS MEDICATION-OVERUSE HEADACHE (MOH) and this problem is rampant, especially in chronic migraine sufferers. It is very important for migraine sufferers to be aware of their MOH problem in order to stop the vicious cycle of rebound headaches.

What effect does PMS have on migraines and their frequency in some women?  As previously mentioned under the contraceptive pills section, the changes in hormonal balance that occurs during various stages of the menstrual cycle can have a large impact on the occurrence of migraines. 18-50% of women report that there is a menstrual/hormonal component to their migraines. A nutritional supplement like MigreLief+M which contains ingredients to help balance hormone and blood sugar fluctuations is a great choice for women experiencing menstrual migraines and/or symptoms of PMS.

What does Magnesium do? *

The benefits of Magnesium are well documented. Studies show that Magnesium deficiency may be linked with migraines. Magnesium helps keep the blood vessels in the brain properly toned and open, prevents the spasm of arteries, stabilizes cell membranes, and prevents platelet aggregation.

What does MigreLief contain?

MigreLief Original (age 12-adult) and Children’s MigreLief (age 2-11) contain special, proprietary forms of 3 dietary supplement ingredients — two forms of Magnesium, Riboflavin (Vitamin B2), and Puracol™–a proprietary source of the herb Feverfew.  MigreLief+M contains the same 3 ingredients as Original MigreLief PLUS Chasteberry extract , L-Theanine, D-Biotin, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride  and Chromium Picolinate.  Fast-acting MigreLief-NOW contains  Aflapin Boswellia, Ceravasc™ Ginger, Puracol™ Feverfew and Magnesium.

How do I wean off MigreLief?

If you have been using MigreLief or feverfew individually for several weeks or more and decide to stop, it is advisable to stop gradually (cut the daily dose you have been taking in half for one week, then the half dose every other day during the second week and then stop.)
Though rare, some people will experience an immediate return of their migraines if they stop taking feverfew abruptly. Also some people who have arthritis or muscle pain may experience a return of their joint or muscle pain upon abrupt cessation of feverfew. Additionally a very small percentage of people may feel fatigued if they stop to quickly.

How does MigreLief come packaged?

Each bottle of MigreLief contains 60, easy-to-swallow tablets (one month’s supply).

Who should take MigreLief?

Anyone who is consistently experiencing 2 or more difficult migraines a month, can benefit from the specific nutritional support that MigreLief’s daily maintenance formulas (Original (age 12-adult) , Children’s (age 2-11)  or +M/ (women with hormonal migraines) provide.  Anyone age 2 or older experiencing migraines OR headaches may take fast-acting MigreLief-NOW “as-needed.”

Is MigreLief GMO-free?

Yes! MigreLief is GMO-free and contains NO artificial flavors, preservatives, yeast, milk, corn, wheat, gluten or soy. It’s Puracol™ brand Feverfew is also GMO-free.

Can I buy these ingredients separately?

Magnesium and riboflavin may be purchased separately however, the Puracol™ Feverfew used in MigreLief can not be purchased separately.