Search Results for: what is a migraine
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Migraine is a neurological condition that can cause multiple symptoms including throbbing head pain. While there are many things experts still don’t know about migraines, research suggests that there may...
Men, women, and children can experience migraines which are usually accompanied with severe, throbbing/pulsating head pain usually on one side of the head. Migraines and can last from 2 to...
A migraine headache is a form of vascular (blood vessels) headache. Migraine headache is caused by a combination of vasodilatation (enlargement of blood vessels) and the release of chemicals from...
Can you guess what’s the strongest muscle in the human body? Many muscles, including the tongue, the heart, and the gluteus maximus have been deemed the strongest muscles of the...
Kings, Queens, Princesses and Celebrities, all suffer from migraines. Queen Elizabeth I and II, King Henry the VIII, Princess Margret and some of the richest, most powerful and most famous,...
It’s no secret that stress and migraine often go hand in hand. After all, stress is a top trigger for roughly 70% of people with migraine. That’s why managing stress...
The holiday season is a time for celebration, but for migraine sufferers, the hustle and bustle can be full of potential triggers. To help you enjoy a peaceful and migraine-free...
A systematic review published by researchers at the University of Warwick found that there is an association between chronic low back pain and primary headache disorders, namely migraines and tension-type...
Abdominal migraine is one of the most common causes of abdominal pain in children and is becoming more frequently diagnosed in adults. Although the pain will come and go, it...
As the vibrant colors of fall begin to paint the landscape, many look forward to cooler weather and seasonal festivities. However, for migraine sufferers, autumn can bring more than just...
Ever reached for chocolate, only to be hit by a migraine soon after? If so, you’re not alone. Chocolate tops the list of migraine-trigger foods. But is chocolate really the...
Living with migraine is challenging enough. But adding Ehler-Danlos syndrome on top of it takes those challenges to a whole new level. Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) is a connective tissue disorder...