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  • General Health

Are Supplements Harmful? What Research Says

Under: General Health, Nutrients

It is well known by researchers, clinicians and other scientists that if you “tweak” the data enough you can often get it to say or support whatever you want it to.

It is astonishing to me that though we know that pharmaceutical drugs kill tens of thousands of people every year and vitamins and supplements don’t, sensationalized studies like the one recently published in the Archived of Internal Medicine talk about the “harm of multi-vitamins in elderly women” but we hardly ever see studies addressing the thousands of deaths caused by prescription drugs every year.

The drug companies don’t want you to be proactive and responsible for your own health, no matter what they say in public or in their public service announcements.  They want you to use drugs.  They want you to believe that the only way you will ever get healthy is by using drugs. They want you to believe that despite the thousands of studies showing the benefits of vitamins, minerals and multi-vitamins, that they are what you have to worry about, NOT their synthetic drugs that are known to often cause harm.

I am not anti-prescription drugs.  I am anti-bad-prescription drugs of which there are many. On the other hand, I am thankful for those prescription drugs that really do save lives, and are often the only options between life and death.

In this newest attack against vitamin supplements researchers from the University of Maryland, make the sweeping statement that elderly women who take dietary supplements may not live as long as those who don’t.

If you are a lay person and not a scientist or researcher, you have no way of knowing just how accurate or inaccurate these statements are.  All you see is a headline that may scare you and that’s exactly what they want.  With the “not so hidden message” being “be afraid of vitamins but trust our drugs!”

Curt Hendrix, M.S., C.C.N., C.N.S.

Please read the Council for Responsible Nutrition’s response to the statements made by the researchers who published this study.  You will come away with a whole different slant on this topic.