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  • Immune Health

The Perfect Immune Cocktail to Support the Shortcomings of the COVID-19 Virus Vaccinations

Under: General Health, Immune Health

Very recently published data states that the number of COVID-related deaths in 2021 was higher than in 2020, despite the larger amount of people who are vaccinated. Furthermore, we are being told that the extent of the protection being offered by the vaccines is either not enough or doesn’t last long enough and that we now have to take booster shots.

For how long will the booster shots offer protection? Will we have to take booster shot after booster shot every six months?

Booster shots for Covid may not be effective for more than a few months, experts say.  Stephane Bancel the C.E.O of Moderna, a company that created a vaccine, said the efficacy of boosters against Covid-19 will likely decline over time, and a 4th shot may be required. Referring to the strength of a single booster shot, “I would expect that it’s not going to hold great,” Bancel said, during a Goldman Sachs interview while warning that a random mutation could change the course of the pandemic again.

“What is totally impossible to predict, is there a new mutation coming in a day, a week, three months that is worse in terms of severity of disease,” he said.

This is clearly very confusing if not negative information and highlights the need for us to be proactive and not just rely upon the vaccines and/or the booster shot to protect our health and the health of our loved ones.



There is excellent clinical research showing that certain supplements can not only protect against upper respiratory tract infections like flu and pneumonia, but also COVID-19.  Very recently published research indicates that the plant Andrographis paniculata may break down components of the COVID-19 virus and render it non-viable. Another study published in the Journal of Natural Products looked specifically at the anti-SARS-CoV-2 properties of Andrographis in human lung cells and similarly found that the herb held promise in addressing COVID-19.

Furthermore, published research indicates that adding vitamin D, vitamin A, vitamin C, and zinc to Andrographis would make a powerfully protective immune-boosting supplement cocktail.

To learn more about clinically proven alternatives for boosting immune function and preventing infection:  download my Immune white paper

To the Best of Health,

Curt Hendrix, M.S., C.C.N., C.N.S