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Your Body’s Language: Nutritional Deficiencies and Consequences

Learn How to Speak Your Body’s Language: Nutritional Deficiencies and Their Consequences

Most people are aware of the short-term consequences of an unhealthy diet: weight gain, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, tooth decay, etc. But in 2019, a group of doctors in the United Kingdom observed another complication stemming from a teenage boy’s junk food-based diet: blindness. In a case report published in the Annals of Medicine, researchers from the University of Bristol offer a cautionary tale for healthcare practitioners about the unexpected consequences of a deficiency-deprived diet, emphasizing the permanent damages it can cause to vision and the nervous system.

The patient, a 14-year-old boy at the time, was first taken to his primary care practitioner complaining of fatigue. Blood panel tests showed that he had a vitamin B12 deficiency but otherwise was in good health. His doctor prescribed B12 injections and nutrition counseling. By the following year, the teenager had begun to develop vision and hearing difficulties, but tests still came back normal. These visions disturbances continued worsening over two years until he was eventually referred to a neuro-ophthalmologist.

At 17, the boy was legally blind, which is defined as a central visual acuity of 20/200 or worse and was diagnosed with optic neuropathy – the name given to damage to the optic nerve from any cause. Optic neuropathy can result in complete blindness if left untreated. Through imaging and genetic tests, doctors were able to confirm that the teen didn’t have any hereditary conditions or lesions that were causing his vision loss. However, his vitamin B12 levels were still abnormal.

Upon further examining his eating habits, doctors learned that “since elementary school, [the boy] would not eat certain textures of food.” Subsisting only on a diet of chips, processed meats, white bread, and a daily portion of French fries. Doctors also found copper, selenium, zinc, and vitamin D deficiencies, as well as decreased bone density.

Nutritional deficiencies are a fairly common occurrence; the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that nearly 10 percent of Americans have at least one deficiency. Globally, nutritional deficiencies affect an estimated 2 billion people, and in the developing world, these deficiencies account for a significant percentage of the morbidity and mortality rates among babies, children, and pregnant women.

When experts talk about “nutritional deficiencies,” they are usually referring to micronutrients. Nutrients are often divided into two categories: macronutrients and micronutrients. Macronutrients, as the name suggests, are the nutrients that we need in big amounts; fats, proteins, and carbohydrates are all examples of macronutrients. Micronutrients, on the other hand, are nutrients that the body needs in smaller quantities, like vitamins and minerals. Most of the micronutrients that humans need to survive can be found in food, with the exception of vitamin D, which the body produces after being exposed to the sun.

Because we only need small quantities of micronutrients, it can take a long time for the body to become completely depleted of any particular one of them. In the case of the teenage boy, his nutritional deficiencies became so severe over the course of at least six years, the authors say, that they eventually caused irreparable damage to his optic nerve.

According to a report published in 2012, the top five nutrition deficiencies in the United States were vitamin B6, iron (especially among women in childbearing years), vitamin D, vitamin C, and vitamin B12. The symptoms of a nutritional deficiency vary depending on the nutrient; iron deficiency (which often leads to anemia) can cause fatigue, headaches, and weakness. The symptoms of a deficiency in vitamin B12, which is common among vegans and older adults, can produce dizziness, nausea, weight loss, nausea, and shortness of breath. Research also suggests that people who suffer from migraines tend to have lower levels of magnesium and vitamin B2 (riboflavin).




In the case of the 17-year-old patient, even though doctors prescribed dietary supplements, his vision did not return. But that is not to say that nutritional deficiencies are irreversible or inevitable. According to nutrition experts at Harvard University, most people – except those with restrictive diets or specific health problems – can get all their vitamins and minerals through their diet. Strict vegetarians and vegans should consider supplementing with vitamin B12 and iron, however.

Eating a healthy, well-balanced diet goes beyond maintaining a healthy weight. Severe nutritional deficiencies, like the one in the case study, can cause serious and irreparable damage to the body, and in extreme cases, they may even become fatal.

To meet nutrient needs, the CDC recommends choosing “a variety of nutrient-dense foods across and within all food groups,” including a variety of vegetables like dark leafy greens, orange and red produce, and legumes. Additionally, the World Cancer Research Fund recommends limiting the consumption of red meat – a valuable source of vitamin B12, iron, and zinc – to no more than three portions per week, and avoiding processed meats like ham, bacon, and salami altogether.


Heartburn-Free Thanksgiving | Tips for Avoiding GERD

Thanksgiving is one of the holidays that revolve around food and can be challenging for people with gastroesophageal reflux disease, also known as GERD, heartburn or acid reflux.

What is heartburn?

It is the burning, bloated feeling in the chest and sometimes throat that is caused by the leaking of stomach digestive juices containing acid and pepsin (a digestive enzyme that breaks down proteins) into your esophagus (the tube connecting your throat to your stomach) and sometimes this reflux travels up into the throat which can irritate both your throat (larynx) and voice box (pharynx), cause difficult, painful swallowing, and lead to coughing, phlegm, and hoarseness. When these symptoms develop in the throat instead of the chest cavity they are referred to as extraesophageal reflux (outside of the esophagus or LPR/ laryngopharyngeal reflux).

It is pepsin that causes most of the tissue damage to the esophagus, throat, and voice box because it breaks down the protein structure in our tissues.  When left untreated GERD can lead to Barrett’s syndrome which is pre-cancer of the esophagus.

Heartburn or Gerd

Though reflux can occur during the day, by standing up, gravity helps keep it somewhat under control but when we lie down at night its much easier for the stomach juices to flow back into the esophagus and start the symptoms discussed above.

If you are often bothered by heartburn and GERD (or possibly LPR) you may take antacid medications to try to control the acid and burning symptoms by using the most popular drugs for this purpose which are known as PPI’s (proton pump inhibitors) these are drugs like Nexium, Prevacid, Prilosec.

It is not healthy to be on these drugs for longer than a month or two yet many people are threatening their health by being on them for much longer periods of time.  These drugs have been shown to:

1.  Increase the risk of early death,

2.  Increase the risk of kidney disease, heart disease, bone fractures, dementia, and infections.

3.  Decrease absorption of important compounds like magnesium, iron, and vitamin B-12 to name a few.

So here’s what to do:

1. Never eat within 2 ½-3 hours of going to bed.

2. Sleep with your upper back and head raised.

3. Try to sleep as much as possible on your left side – The anatomy of your stomach makes it much more difficult for gastric juices to flow into the esophagus when you are on your left side.  Side sleeping is an easy and effective method of natural relief that can not only relieve heartburn pain but can also help prevent damage to the stomach and esophagus.  When lying on your back, the acid will pool up inside the stomach and can make contact with the esophagus.  By turning to the left side and sleeping at an upward angle, excess acid will flow to its natural location, following the force of gravity, at the larger part of the stomach, reducing the likelihood of uncomfortable heartburn.

4. Decrease your use of the PPI’s slowly over 2 weeks and replace with H2 blockers like Zantac or Pepcid if you need relief and wean off those as you proceed with the other recommendations

5. Don’t eat your next day’s first meal for at least 15 hours after your last meal from the previous night.  This in essence gives you a 15 hour fast which calms down your digestive symptoms, lowers the risk of reflux, and helps with blood sugar and weight control for added benefit.

6. Consider adding a forkful of natural sauerkraut during the day. It helps the stomach to maintain healthy acid levels and adds many good bacteria that can offset ingested pathogenic bacteria that can get into the stomach, release gas, and cause pressure that can force the gastric juices to reflux into the esophagus.

7. Eliminate as much sugar as you can from your diet.  In addition to the danger of sugar to your overall health, it has been associated with GERD.  The same applies to processed meats and foods.

8. Try using ½ teaspoon of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) in ½ glass of warm water for relief. Gargle in your mouth for a few seconds and then swallow it.  If your stomach acid levels are sufficient you should burp in no more than one or two minutes.  Often “too little” stomach acid is the cause of reflux and NOT “too much.”  Even if you have too little acid in your stomach when it refluxes it still burns, so it is the act of refluxing not necessarily that you have too much stomach acid!  In fact, too little acid leads to poor control of gas-producing bacteria and the gas pushes the stomach juices into the esophagus.

If you need additional relief during the same day, instead of taking more medicine or another dose of baking soda, try swallowing a glass of 8.8 alkaline water which is sold in supermarkets.  The combo of baking soda and alkaline water works very well together for both GERD and LPR.

9. If you have LPR symptoms and the above after a month or so hasn’t brought much relief, you can add a ½ teaspoon of sodium alginate to your ½ teaspoon of baking soda in warm water.

Though the sodium alginate does not dissolve too well in water, mix it as best you can, it will be clumpy but swallow it anyway.  The sodium alginate and the baking soda combo form a harmless bridge that covers the top of your stomach fluids and prevents them from flowing backward into your esophagus.

10. Incorporate psyllium (fiber) into your diet. A 2018 study concluded that the use of Psyllium seed in the treatment of functional constipation in patients with GERD is very safe, effective, easily available, and this treatment also minimizes the chance of recurrence of GERD compared to omeprazole (a prescription treatment for GERD).  Please note that you can also take psyllium for GERD even if you are not experiencing constipation.


Juicy turkey, savory stuffing, creamy casseroles, and buttery mashed potatoes make the perfect spread for a traditional Thanksgiving table, but if you suffer from GERD, these rich, indulgent foods, can aggravate acid reflux and lead to hours of discomfort long after you’ve put away the leftovers.

The key to enjoying a heartburn-free holiday lies in knowing which foods to choose and which ones to avoid.  Also, eating too much overall or within a short time can trigger reflux.

Here are some tips for a heartburn-friendly Thanksgiving meal:

Choose lean cuts of turkey – Turkey is relatively safe for GERD sufferers, but try to choose cuts of white meat instead of dark, as they contain less fat. You can also limit the fat content by removing the skin and keeping the gravy to a minimum.

Prepare mashed potatoes with chicken broth – Mashed potatoes are a Thanksgiving tradition, but when you load them up with butter and sour cream, they become a reflux nightmare. Adding chicken broth to your mashed potatoes gives them a rich flavor without ramping up the fat content.

Season stuffing with herbs – Everyone loves a heaping scoop of warm, savory stuffing, but if it’s seasoned with garlic and onions, it’s likely to cause heartburn. Prepare your stuffing with a variety of freshly chopped herbs instead.

Make casseroles with low-fat ingredients – If your casserole recipe uses a cream soup base, you can instantly make it more heartburn-friendly by using low-fat condensed soup. Look for other ingredients that come in low-fat or fat-free varieties like cream cheese, sour cream and whipping cream.

Skip the alcohol – It may be tempting to indulge in a glass of wine or champagne at dinnertime, but alcohol is a major heartburn trigger. Keep your beverage heartburn-friendly by sticking to water, non-citrus juice, or decaffeinated tea. You can still participate in holiday toasts with a glass of sparkling cider or club soda!

Go easy on dessert – It wouldn’t be Thanksgiving dinner without the pumpkin pie, but just one slice has over 300 calories and 14 grams of fat.  Keep the fat content to a minimum by choosing a smaller slice, skipping the whipped cream, and removing the buttery crust from the back portion of your pie.


Have a wonderful and healthy Thanksgiving holiday!

To the Best of Health,
Curt Hendrix, M.S. C.C.N., C.N. S.



How to live to be 100 or more!

On behalf of myself and the MigreLief Team at Akeso Health Sciences, I would like to thank you for supporting Akeso’s goal of improving the quality of life for migraine sufferers worldwide.  In part, because of your support we are reaching more men, women, and children whose lives are disrupted by this debilitating disorder.

As a way of saying thank you, I would like to share, what I believe to be extremely valuable science that you and your loved ones can begin implementing today to significantly reduce your risk of developing chronic degenerative diseases and increase the likelihood of living to a ripe old age while remaining vibrant, strong, energetic, and young-looking.

Chronic degenerative diseases, to name a few, include:

  • Heart disease
  • Cancer
  • Arthritis
  • Diabetes
  • Asthma
  • Alzheimer’s disease

Though seemingly distinct and different diseases, all have remarkable similarities when we measure certain biomarkers in the blood and spinal fluid that are acknowledged indicators or precursors of disease progression.

Staying healthy is an important commitment to make to yourself.  As the saying goes, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Believe it or not, a lack of illness isn’t necessarily an indicator of good health. You’ve heard stories of people who seem to be in good health, then suddenly experience a serious health crisis. Taking a proactive approach to health will reduce your chances of being caught off guard and increase your chances of living a long, happy, and healthy life.

Three of the most important destructive aging and disease-causing phenomenon that occur and can be measured in the body are:

  1. Oxidative Stress
  2. Systemic Inflammation
  3. Excessive Glycation – (the damage that sugar does to tissue and cellular proteins).

Oxidative Stress – Many of you have probably heard about the damage that “free radicals” can do to our bodies.  Free radicals are atoms or molecules that are missing an electron and steal electrons from healthy cells and damage them or cause them to die or mutate (cancer).   Removal of the electron from the healthy cell by the free radical is called oxidation and thus the term “oxidative stress”. Free radicals can cause harm if their levels become too high in your body. They’re linked to multiple illnesses, including diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.

Your body has its own antioxidant defenses to keep free radicals in check. However, antioxidants are also found in food, especially in fruits, vegetables, and other plant-based, whole foods. Several vitamins, such as vitamins E and C, are effective antioxidants.

To reduce the risk of developing chronic degenerative diseases and prevent accelerated aging, we need to control oxidative stress!

Systemic Inflammation – Inflammation, when under control is actually a signal used by the body to call white blood cells to an injured/damaged area within our bodies to start healing. For example, if a cut becomes infected it becomes inflamed. The inflammation is actually a signal for certain types of white blood cells to come to the injured area to “clean” up the infection. Once the wound has healed the inflammation goes away and we return to normal. But excessive oxidative stress caused by high sugar diets lacking antioxidant-rich foods (fruits and vegetables) promotes a consistent “low grade” level of circulating inflammatory compounds.  Over time and if not checked, this low-grade inflammation erodes our bodies, brains, and other organs and accelerates oxidative stress and the on-going damage that occurs over time.

To reduce the risk of developing chronic degenerative diseases and prevent accelerated aging, we need to control systemic inflammation!

Excessive Glycation – The chemical process by which part of a sugar molecule attaches to and changes/destroys a protein molecule is referred to as glycation.

Many of you have probably heard how Type II diabetes has become rampant in our American population.  Due to poor diets, many of us stop responding efficiently to the insulin produced by the pancreas. Insulin’s role is to make sure the sugar in our blood is transferred to the cells where it can be used for energy and carrying out cellular functions.

When we become less sensitive to insulin, more sugar “hangs around” in the blood and as the blood circulates the sugar in it does damage to organs like our hearts, kidneys, lungs, brains, and eyes.  This is why heart disease is associated with diabetes.

To reduce the risk of developing chronic degenerative diseases and prevent accelerated aging, we need to control “excessive glycation.”


Here’s how to do it…  Consume the following vitamins and herbs:

1-     The Indian spice TUMERIC and its active ingredient CURCUMIN – Tumeric is the yellow spice that is used in Indian cooking.  Extracts of turmeric that contain 95% curcumin are among the most medicinally researched herbal compounds in the world. From cancer to heart disease, to Alzheimer’s and arthritis, there are numerous human studies showing the incredible protective and healing powers of curcumin. Its benefits extend to Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel disease, tropical pancreatitis, peptic ulcer, gastric ulcer, idiopathic orbital inflammatory pseudotumor, gastric inflammation,  psoriasis, acute coronary syndrome, atherosclerosis, diabetes, diabetic nephropathy,  lupus nephritis, renal conditions, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, and more.

Curcumin is at the same time a powerful antioxidant, powerful anti-inflammatory, and also demonstrates some ability to slow down glycation. So there is no wonder why it is at the top of my list of natural supplements to take if you want to live to 100 years or more and maintain exceptional health, and resist disease and aging.

DOSE:  1000-1500 mg a day of the turmeric extract.  Make sure it states it is 95% curcumin on its label.

2-     GREEN TEA EXTRACT – Many of you have heard about the multiple health benefits of drinking green tea.  I suggest in addition to drinking it, that you take green tea extract as well because you can never be sure the specific green tea you are drinking has any or enough of the specific phyto-compounds in it that make it so healthy and protective.   Several studies that have been published indicate that combining green tea with curcumin is synergistic and enhances the protective and health-promoting benefits of each.

DOSE:  800-1000 mg a day of a green tea extract in capsule or tablet form that contains 50% EGCG (the most important active compound found in green tea).

3–     R-ALPHA-LIPOIC ACID – This dietary supplement helps to prevent the advanced glycation end products caused by sugar that do harm to our cells and tissues. It also helps us to maintain our ability to remain sensitive to insulin and reduces the risk of developing Type II diabetes.

In addition, lipoic acid protects the energy-producing organelles in our cells called mitochondria.  As we age the effects of oxidative stress, inflammation and toxins damage the energy-producing ability of our mitochondria and thus we experience the lack of energy often associated with advancing age. Lipoic acid helps to reduce this mitochondrial damage from occurring.

DOSE:  400-600 mg a day of R-alpha-lipoic acid.  (Be sure that the supplement you get says “R” lipoic acid as it is believed to be the active isomer of this compound.)

TAKE A MULTIPLE VITAMIN  – To the above recommendations, I strongly suggest that you take a daily comprehensive multiple vitamin/mineral product (that contains at least 25 mg each of Vitamin B-1, 2, 3, 5 and 400-800 mcg of folic acid and 100 mcg of vitamin B-12).

Furthermore, make sure that you add at least 30 grams of soluble and insoluble fiber into your diet daily.  Hi-fiber cereals that contain 8+ grams per serving are good places to start. Then you can sprinkle either psyllium or ground FLAX SEED on top of the cereals or into yogurt or salads to further increase your fiber intake.  You may also add to blended smoothies.

Healthy Items Checklist:

Tumeric (95% Curcumin):  1000-1500 mg/day
Green Tea Extract(50% EGCG):  800-1000 mg/day
R-Alpha-Lipoic Acid –  400-800 mcg/day
Multiple Vitamin – containing at least;  25mg of Vit B-1, B-2, B-3 B-5, 100 mcg of B-12 and 400-800 folic acid
Ground Flaxseed or Psyllium -30 grams (sprinkled on food or mixed into smoothies etc.)

Finally and MOST IMPORTANTLY, reestablishing healthy sleep patterns is the most powerful tool you can rely on to maintain good health and extend your life. Sleep affects all aspects of our lives. Deep restorative sleep is where the body and internal systems regenerate themselves. Sleep improves immune function, protects against cellular damage, supports proper brain function, and improves focus, memory, concentration, learning, and productivity. Healthy sleep also lowers the risk of heart disease, diabetes, stroke dementia, and obesity while sleep loss activates undesirable markers of inflammation and cell damage.

If falling asleep, staying asleep, or reaching deep, restorative sleep is difficult for you, consider adding a quality natural sleep supplement to your nightly routine.

I sincerely hope that you take this advice to heart and follow it daily.  It will make a profound difference in how you age and how young and healthy you stay throughout the upcoming years.

To the Best of Health,
Curt Hendrix, M.S.  C.N.N. C.N.S.
Chief Scientific Officer, Akeso Health Sciences
Migraine Supplement Pioneer







Do Your Homework When Buying Dietary Supplements But Don’t Be Fooled

Think you’ve picked the right online health product because the research backs it up? It looks good on the company’s website, their pitch littered with scientific studies supporting the vitamins, digestive health products, herbal supplements, or whatever you’re shopping for ….

But Think Again. You can be easily misled by a company’s cherry-picking parts of a study to skew the picture in support of what they’re selling.

As the co-founder and chief scientific officer of Akeso Health Sciences, a company dedicated to providing effective, drug-free options to enhance health and well-being, I encourage everyone to be proactive about their health and use the internet to identify products that support good health. When making health-related decisions, it’s essential that the information you use be based upon clinical trials published in respected, peer-reviewed medical or scientific journals, and not upon anecdotal testimonials made by unknown individuals or companies trying to sell you products without providing clinical studies supporting the use of their ingredients.

Selecting the best dietary supplements

Selecting the best dietary supplements

But fair warning: Not all companies that quote published studies to back up their products’ value are telling you the full story, so even though you have done your homework and think you are making a good decision to buy, that may not be the case. Many opportunistic companies spin their reporting by telling you only parts of a study that support their product and leave out parts that don’t.

The problem isn’t only with this misquoting and skewing of information. In addition, certain published studies are just bad or misleading in themselves.

A great example of this is a well-known published study that showed vegetarians live longer than meat-eaters (1). This study was embraced by many healthcare professionals and repeated millions of times by laypeople until it was accepted as fact.

In the study, researchers compared the mortality of Seventh Day Adventists (who do not eat meat) to meat-eaters, finding Seventh Day Adventist on average lived 10 years longer. When this information became well known, it caused tens of millions of people to at least think about switching to vegetarianism.

I support anyone’s decision to be a vegetarian or vegan if done properly, but as you will soon learn, if the decision is based on your belief that no longer eating meat will make you live longer, you’ll want to take another look!

The major flaw of the vegetarianism vs. meat-eater study is that researchers were comparing Seventh Day Adventists who also drank alcohol, exercised often, were typically not overweight, and ate no processed foods, with meat-eaters, regardless of whether the meat-eaters drank alcohol, were obese, didn’t exercise, and possibly ate processed foods.

I think it’s easy to see the problem with this study. The meat-eaters were doing all of these other very unhealthy things, but the study concluded they lived shorter lives than vegetarians because they ate meat.

When the study was redone (2) and included meat eaters who were health-conscious and didn’t drink alcohol, were not over-weight, and exercised (just like the Seventh Day Adventists), there was no difference in life expectancy between vegetarians and health-conscious meat-eaters.

This shows that even published studies can be bad, misleading, not well thought out or well-structured, and cause even the best-intentioned, proactive, health-conscious consumer to make poor decisions—despite doing your homework.

At Akeso Health Sciences, I do not allow this kind of false and misleading reporting of the science that backs our products. This is probably why so many of our Akeso customers have been with us for over 25 years. They rely on me to be an industry watchdog and know they will always get the complete truth and up-to-the-minute science, as well as the gold standard, state-of-the-art, targeted formulations.

To the Best of Health,

Curt Hendrix, MS, CCN, CNS.





It’s Easy Being Green… and Healthy!

Many people wear something green to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day.  Don’t forget to go green inside as well!

There’s an ever-increasing amount of medical research demonstrating that certain green foods can really contribute to preventing certain types of cancer like breast cancer, colon cancer and prostate cancer.

This particular group of vegetables is known as cruciferous vegetables. They are called cruciferous because the petals or heads of the plants look like crosses. The best examples include broccoli, brussels sprouts, kale, and (though not green) cauliflower. These vegetables are a source of sulfur-containing compounds that have been shown to not only prevent these types of cancers but even slow their growth if they have already occurred. Although boiling reduces the level of the anti-cancer compounds, steaming, microwaving and stir-frying does not result in significant loss. They are also low in cholesterol, calories, and fat.

Try to include a few ounces of the vegetables at least 5 times a week in your diet

Brussel Sprouts


Brussels sprouts are loaded with vitamin K. Per cup, cooked Brussels sprouts pack over 250% of the recommended daily target for vitamin K. In addition to helping to clot blood, this nutrient plays a role in bone health and may help protect against bone loss.  The anti-inflammatory power of Brussels sprouts is tied to a reduced risk of chronic diseases.  Compounds in Brussels sprouts act like natural detoxifiers, meaning they help deactivate potentially damaging chemicals or shuttle them out of the body more quickly.  Several studies have linked an increased intake of cruciferous vegetables to a decreased risk of diabetes due to their antioxidant power and fiber content. The latter helps regular blood sugar and insulin levels.  Brussels sprouts also contain an antioxidant called alpha-lipoic acid that’s been studied for its potential ability to help improve insulin function.




Cauliflower is rich in fiber and B vitamins, making it a nutritious vegetable with several health benefits. In recent years, cauliflower rice has become a popular rice substitute, and its versatility makes it an excellent choice to incorporate into a balanced diet.


Benefits of cauliflower include:

Digestion: The high fiber content of cauliflower promotes gastric cleaning and prevents constipation.

Anti-cancer properties: Vegetables such as broccoli and cauliflower contain a compound called Indole-3-carbinol or I3C, which is a very strong antioxidant that keeps cancer cells in check. Sulforaphane also helps fight cancer cells.

Anti-aging properties: Cauliflower is packed with antioxidants and vitamins that prevent oxidative stress in the body and fights cellular damage.

Heart health: Folic acid and fiber content helps reduce the risk of atherosclerosis and myocardial infarction.

Weight loss: Cauliflower is low in calories and rich in fiber, keeping you feeling full for longer and preventing you from overeating.

Bone health: Cauliflower contains a good amount of vitamin K, which promotes calcium deposition. It is also high in vitamin C, which reduces damage to collagen in the bones.

Skin health: Sulforaphane has ultraviolet protection properties, which can reduce the risk of skin cancer and skin damage.

Hair growth: Sulfur-containing amino acids promote keratin production and better hair growth.



Broccoli contains lots of folates and fiber.  It helps reduce the risk of many health issues like obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and other chronic diseases. Benefits include

  • Nutrient-dense containing many vitamins and minerals
  • Reduces harmful effects of sugar
  • Positive effect on the nervous system
  • Helps prevent cancer
  • Lowers cholesterol levels
  • Improves eye health
  • Potent detoxifier
  • Treats gut disorders
  • Improves your skin
  • Prevents heart disease
  • Boosts immune system
  • Good for bone health
  • Regulates blood pressure
  • Treats anemia
  • Promotes weight loss


The Mediterranean Diet: The Best Overall Diet of 2021

The U.S News World & Report named the Mediterranean diet the best overall diet for the fourth time in a row. Find out why.

The Mediterranean diet is an eating plan based on traditional foods from countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea, including Greece, Spain, and Italy. Like the ancient civilizations that first consumed it, the origins of the Mediterranean diet are lost in time. However, following the development of the modern concept of the Mediterranean diet in the early 1960s, a considerable – and compelling – amount of research has continuously backed its health benefits.

What is the Mediterranean diet, exactly?

Almost anyone with a passing interest in healthy eating – or anyone with a chronic disease – has surely heard about the Mediterranean diet, an eating style that focuses on fresh fruits and vegetables, fatty fish, nuts and seeds, and olive oil. But the Mediterranean diet is so much more than that.

Unlike restrictive, calorie-centered diets that focus on the foods you should avoid, the Mediterranean diet is about the foods you should eat. In that sense, it doesn’t fall into the “diet” category because its end goal is not to lose weight.

Instead, it involves plenty of fresh vegetables like tomatoes, broccoli, kale, and cucumbers, among others, always emphasizing color and variety. Because of its origins near the Mediterranean Sea, seafood, especially fatty fish like sardines and salmon, make up an important portion of the diet’s protein intake. Whole grains, like quinoa, brown rice, oats, should be consumed daily, in moderation. Red meats should be eaten only rarely, and highly processed foods should be avoided.

Like other diets, the Mediterranean diet has its own modified food pyramid developed by the Oldways Preservation Trust, the World Health Organization (WHO), and Harvard University in 1993. The pyramid doesn’t list specific serving sizes; instead, it suggests the types and frequency of foods to be consumed daily. Another interesting feature of the Mediterranean diet is that it places daily exercise and social interactions at the broadest row, or the pyramid’s base.

Mediterranean diet pyramid

Lifestyle is important, too

One of the reasons the Mediterranean diet became so famous outside Europe was that people who live in the Mediterranean live longer, healthier lives than those in many other countries. Researchers theorized that their eating habits could be behind that longevity. And they were right; study after study confirms the impressive health benefits of the Mediterranean diet. But there is another important factor behind the region’s good health: lifestyle.

In a Pew Research Center survey, 84 percent of U.S parents reported eating dinner with their children at least once a week, and only 50 percent of those parents said it happened every night. But in Europe, where the Mediterranean diet is a not diet but a daily practice, people regard meals as social occasions. Cooking and eating together, sharing food, and spending quality time around the table are paramount. So is eating slowly, savoring every bit of food, moving often, and enjoying a glass of wine with friends and loved ones to cultivate stronger bonds.

Health benefits of the Mediterranean diet

The Mediterranean diet is one of the most recommended eating plans by healthcare professionals. It’s also recognized by UNESCO as an intangible cultural asset and recommended by the Dietary Guidelines for Americans to prevent chronic disease. Some science-backed health benefits of the Mediterranean diet include:

  • Reducing inflammation
  • May reduce the risk for heart disease
  • May help lose weight and maintaining it
  • May protect against type 2 diabetes
  • May help reduce the risk of certain types of cancer
  • May help delay cognitive decline

Eating the Mediterranean way

Traditional diets around the Mediterranean Sea differ slightly from region to region, so there isn’t a concrete eating plan to follow. Instead, focus on fresh, mostly-plant based, nutrient-rich foods, like:

Vegetables, with every meal: mainly non-starchy vegetables such as bell peppers, tomatoes, zucchini, eggplant, artichokes, and dark leafy greens.

Animal protein, occasionally: fatty fish such as salmon, sardines, and tuna. Seafood, chicken, turkey, eggs.

Fruits, daily: all fresh fruits. Avoid fruit juice and concentrates.

Nuts and seeds, daily: almonds, walnuts, pistachios, hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, chia seeds, flax seeds, sunflower seeds.

Whole grains, moderately: whole grain bread, corn, bulgur wheat, farro, quinoa, oatmeal, polenta, couscous.

Dairy, moderately: cheese, Greek yogurt.

Herbs and spices, daily: garlic, basil, mint, cinnamon, paprika.

Nuts & Nutrition – Can Eating Nuts Extend Your Life?

Nuts are nutrient-dense foods rich in unsaturated fatty acids and have been linked to lower cholesterol, better heart health, weight control, and even lower cancer risk. Read on to find out if eating nuts could extend your life.

Compared to people who avoid nuts, those who eat nuts on a regular basis also tend to have:

  • Lower systolic blood pressure
  • Fewer risk factors for metabolic syndrome and a lower risk for diabetes
  • Better cardiovascular health
  • Reduced mortality risk by 23%
  • Greater longevity

Eating Nuts Could Extend Your Life!

A 30-year long Harvard study found that people who ate a small handful (approximately 1 ounce or 28 grams) of nuts seven times per week or more were 20 percent less likely to die for any reason, compared to those who avoided nuts.

Nuts and Nutrition - Can Eating Nuts Extend Your Life?

Eating nuts at least five times per week was associated with a 29 percent drop in mortality risk from heart disease, and an 11 percent drop in mortality risk from cancer.

A Dutch study of 120,000 men and women ages 55-69 for 10 years researchers found that people who ate just 10 grams of nuts each day had a 23 percent lower risk of death from any cause, 43 percent decrease in neurological disease, 30 percent decrease in diabetes, and 39 percent decrease in respiratory disease plus fewer deaths due to cancer and heart disease.

Nuts per ounce (28.5 grams):

49 pistachios, 23 almonds, 10 macadamia, 20 pecans halves, 16 cashews, 14 walnut halves, 16 cashews

Raw nuts versus dry roasted/salted nuts

I don’t know how many people actually monitor their daily salt intake, but limiting salt consumption to no more than 2,500 mg/day is recommended. For those who are sensitive to salt for blood pressure reasons, perhaps no more than 1,500 mg/day is better, and eating raw forms of nuts would be preferable.

Studies have shown that dry roasting of most nuts does not reduce their health benefits. So if you like the taste of raw nuts, go with them but if you don’t, then dry roasted nuts that are either not salted or lightly salted are the way to go. Either way, get in your daily one ounce of your favorite nuts.

I suggest switching between your favorite nut choices because they all have slightly different nutritional make-up. Pecans, for example, a one-ounce serving of pecans includes over 19 vitamins and minerals including vitamin A, vitamin E, calcium, potassium, and zinc. Additionally, the U.S. Department of Agriculture ranked pecans in the top 20 out of 100 foods for antioxidant capacity. Walnuts contain a number of neuroprotective compounds, including vitamin E, folate, melatonin, omega-3 fats, and antioxidants.

Can Eating Nuts Extend Your Life? Nuts and Nutrition

Nut Recipes

Learn how to roast nuts and enjoy super tasty recipes including; Rosemary Roasted Walnuts, Roasted Almonds with Honey & Cinnamon, Maple-Chipotle Spiced Nuts, Pumpkin Pie Spiced Almonds, Sweet, Salty, Spicy Party Nuts, Maple Citrus Roasted Pecans, Cocoa Cardamom Espresso Roasted Almonds and more.

Discover delicious ways to eat a small variety of nuts every day – a handful each day could help extend your life!


To the Best of Health,
Curt Hendrix, M.S., C.C.N., C.N.S.



Clinically-Effective Natural Alternatives for Treating ADD/ADHD

If you or someone you love has been diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), you’ve probably heard that many patients are prescribed stimulant drug medications.  As we will review in this article, stimulant drugs may be effective for some people, but they don’t come without risks. In fact, research shows that between 20-30% of children cannot tolerate the side effects of commonly prescribed drugs or do not respond to them.

So, what are the alternatives for treating ADHD? In this article, we introduce you to some of the common side effects of common ADD/ADHD medications and we review the research behind some clinically proven non-prescription alternatives for treating the symptoms of ADD/ADHD.

What is ADD/ADHD?

ADHD, short for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, is a neuropsychiatric disorder. Researchers have identified that people with ADHD tend to have smaller structures of some areas of the brain than people without ADHD, low levels of key levels of brain chemicals (neurotransmitters) that support communication between brain cells and differences in how networks work, specifically those involved in reward, focus, attention, shifting between tasks, and planning.

Attention Deficit Disorder

ADD/ADHD  used to be known as a condition that affected only children, since it can be detected as young as two to four years of age. However, researchers now know that ADD/ADHD exists in adults as well as children.

The main symptoms of ADHD include:

  • Inattentiveness: unfocused and having a short attention span, constantly changing activities or tasks, appearing forgetful or losing things, having difficulty organizing or prioritizing tasks, making careless mistakes in work or school.
  • Hyperactivity and impulsiveness: An inability to sit still, fidgeting constantly, inability to concentrate on tasks, excessive talking, inability to wait their turn, acting without thinking about consequences, and excessive physical movement.

ADHD can sometimes be misdiagnosed or overlooked. Some of the symptoms overlap with other conditions that affect the brain. These conditions include anxiety disorder, oppositional defiant disorder (also called ODD, which is defined by negative or disruptive behavior toward authority figures), conduct disorder, depression, autism spectrum disorder, and learning difficulties. It is important to know that some people can have ADD/ADHD alongside one or more of these other conditions.

How is ADHD Treated?

In most settings, after a person (child or adult) is diagnosed with ADD/ADHD, they are often prescribed medication. However, medication for ADHD isn’t always effective, and the side effects may be more difficult to manage than the symptoms of ADD/ADHD itself.

There are lifestyle factors and supplements that have been clinically proven to help manage ADD/ADHD symptoms with lower risks of side effects. Below, we briefly review the pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments for ADD/ADHD in children and adults.

Traditional Pharmacological Treatments for ADD/ADHD

There are two main types of drugs prescribed to people with ADHD: stimulant and non-stimulant drugs.

Stimulant drugs are usually the first line of therapy for children and adults diagnosed with ADHD. The most commonly prescribed stimulant drugs include:

  • Amphetamines and Methamphetamines, like Adderall, Dexedrine, Evekeo, Dextrostat, and Zenzedi.
  • Methylphenidates, like Ritalin, Methylin, Metadate ER, Metadate CD, Quillivant XR, Quillichew ER, and Concerta

While numerous studies have shown that treatment of ADHD with stimulant drugs does help to reduce some of the most difficult symptoms of ADD/ADHD, there is controversy regarding the following:

If stimulant drugs are not an option for the person with ADD/ADHD or they do not want to take stimulant drugs due to the risks, some people opt to take non-stimulant drugs. The difference between stimulant and non-stimulant drugs for ADD/ADHD is that stimulant drugs increase the levels of the neurotransmitters dopamine and norepinephrine by targeting brain receptors. <

Non-stimulant drugs work in different ways to manage symptoms by regulating the system that manages neurotransmitter production. Atomoxetine (ATX), guanfacine (GXR), and clonidine are some of the most common FDA-approved non-stimulant medications prescribed to people with ADHD, usually as a second line of treatment if stimulant drugs were not effective or if the side effects were too risky.

However, the side-effects associated with non-stimulant drugs is also extensive:

The most common side effects in children and adolescents are:
• Upset stomach (e.g., nausea, vomiting).
• Decreased appetite, which may cause weight loss.
• Nausea.
• Dizziness.
• Headache.
• Mood swings.
• Insomnia.
• Drowsiness.
• Abdominal pain.

The most common side effects in adults are:
• Constipation.
• Dry mouth.
• Insomnia.
• Erectile dysfunction.
• Urinary tract abnormalities (e.g., trouble passing urine, pain with urination).
• Painful menstruation.
• Hot flashes.

Alternative Treatment to Support ADD/ADHD Management

Although traditional pharmacological treatments for ADHD symptoms for most children work in the short-term, 20 to 30% of children are non-responders or cannot tolerate the side-effects of these drugs. The same is true for adults diagnosed with ADHD.

Because of the risks associated with traditional pharmacological treatment, many parents of children with ADHD and adults with ADHD have expressed interest in choosing non-prescription treatment options and alternative medicine to address ADHD.

In fact, according to a 1999 survey, parents of 64% of children with ADHD chose non-prescription alternative medicine treatments to address their children’s ADHD. Research shows that alternative therapies are as effective as prescription drugs, with a slight trend towards more effective results in the individuals who chose non-prescription treatment options, including supplements derived from nature Alternative therapies are discussed below.

Supplements That May Help Manage ADD/ADHD

There are numerous herbal extracts and nutrients that have clinical data to support their use as ADD/ADHD treatment on their own, as a cocktail of nutrients and herbs, or together with people who choose to take pharmacological treatments.

Below we describe several of these non-pharmacological components which may be alternative or supportive treatment for people living with ADD/ADHD.

Herbs and Botanicals

Bacopa Monnieri Extract

Bacopa monnieri extract, or Brahmi, is a traditional Indian medicinal plant that has multiple effects on the central nervous system. Bacopa monnieri extract can help protect the nervous system and improve problems in processing information.

bacopa monnieri

Bacopa monnieri

A recent literature review helped to clarify how Bacopa monnieri may be beneficial to people with ADHD; it likely works through multiple signaling pathways to mitigate harmful oxidative stress that affects the central nervous system.

In one clinical study, 31 children previously diagnosed with ADHD were given 225 milligrams (mg) of Bacopa monnieri extract daily for a total of 6 months. Symptoms of attention deficits were improved in 85% of the children. More than half of the children experienced reductions in impulsivity and psychiatric disturbances. In addition, learning improvements occurred in 78% of the children. Two other clinical studies also found that Bacopa monnieri improves ADHD symptoms.

Grape Seed Extract

Children diagnosed with ADHD demonstrate higher levels of oxidative stress than children without ADHD. Higher levels of oxidative stress increase tissue damage, and the type of free radicals that is present in people with ADHD make them more vulnerable to heart disease. As a result, potent antioxidants like grape seed extract that provide protection against excessive oxidative stress and heart disease risk factors, therefore, may be beneficial for those with ADHD.

Grapeseed is easily absorbed and utilized by the body and it provides potent protection against free radicals and damage to cells and DNA.

Lemon Balm Extract

Lemon balm, or Melissa officinalis, has been used as an anti-anxiety, sleep-inducing, and memory-enhancing nutrient for over 2,000 years.

Clinical trials have provided scientific evidence for the impact of lemon balm, demonstrating its ability to improve mood, reduce stress, and help improve sleep quality.

One study that investigated the impact of lemon balm extract on 20 stressed volunteers over a 15 day period found that anxiety was reduced in 70% of the study participants and insomnia was reduced in 85% of them. Given that ADHD patients often experience stress and suffer from a high rate of insomnia, lemon balm extract is likely a helpful supplement for these patients.


There is evidence to suggest that saffron (Crocus sativus) can be beneficial to those with ADHD. Initial studies have demonstrated that saffron is effective as methylphenidate in improving ADHD symptoms over a 6-week period. Another, recent study echoed these findings.

Vitamins, Minerals, and Other Components

Magnesium and Magnesium + Vitamin B6

Children with ADHD have lower levels of magnesium than children without ADHD, so researchers have long been interested in understanding whether magnesium supplementation could improve ADHD symptoms.

A clinical study carried out with 50 children diagnosed with ADHD and who were also deficient in magnesium examined the impact of 200 mg supplementation of elemental magnesium over a 6-month period. Compared to the children who did not receive magnesium supplementation, those taking the magnesium developed higher levels of magnesium in their hair, which was accompanied by a significant reduction in hyperactivity.

Recent research into the role of nutrition on ADHD has also shown that magnesium appears to influence the population of “good” bacteria in the gut in a way that could impact ADHD symptoms. While magnesium supplementation reduces the symptoms of ADHD in children with the disorder, supplementation with a combination of magnesium and vitamin B6 has been shown to lower ADHD symptoms even further.

Vitamin D

Research has shown that vitamin D deficiency is more common in ADHD patients than in healthy controls, likely due to lower vitamin D levels and vitamin D receptor levels. One study found that 64% of ADHD patients were not only deficient in vitamin D but were moderately or severely deficient. A more recent comprehensive meta-analysis covering data from over 11,000 children also found that children with ADHD have significantly lower levels of vitamin D than those without ADHD.

The first study to measure the effects of vitamin D supplementation and its effects on ADHD found that supplementation improves cognitive function, inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. A recent double-blind, randomized clinical trial also showed that vitamin D taken as an oral supplement improves symptoms of ADHD, particularly symptoms of inattention and that it is especially beneficial for those who previously had insufficient levels of vitamin D.

Another recent study showed that vitamin D supplementation also improves ADHD symptoms without serious adverse side effects in those who also take methylphenidate for their ADHD.


L-Theanine is a protein-building block (amino acid) that is present in significant amounts in green tea.

L-Theanine 0has been found to have a calming effect and is used to improve cognitive and mental performance. A study found that people experience a shift toward more relaxing brain waves within 40 minutes of taking 50 to 200 mg theanine doses.

A double-blind, placebo-controlled study on boys diagnosed with both ADHD and sleep disorders also demonstrated that L-theanine significantly increases sleep efficiency as well as time spent asleep.

Vitamin C

People living with ADHD taking stimulant medications may have higher risks of heart complications than the general population. Researchers have examined what components could help to protect the heart against the oxidative damage that may occur in people taking stimulant medications.

Are you getting enough Vitamin C?

Vitamin C is the most prevalent water-soluble antioxidant in the human body and plays a major role in other protective mechanisms against heart disease. Vitamin C may therefore help to mitigate the enhanced cardiovascular risks that ADHD patients experience.


Recent studies have found an association between ADHD and iron deficiency. Children with more severe iron deficiencies are more likely to also experience more severe ADHD symptoms, and iron deficiency in infancy has been shown to be associated with social and behavioral problems in adolescence.

Based on these findings, it has been suggested that iron supplementation may reduce symptoms of ADHD, and evidence suggest that it is effective. In one study, researchers provided children with 80 mg of iron per day and found that this iron supplementation improved ADHD symptoms. According to this study, iron therapy was also well tolerated.


The role of melatonin in people who are living with sleep disorders has been studied for decades. Common sleep disorders include insomnia, delayed sleep onset, and nighttime awakening issues.

One study showed that when children took melatonin supplements at bedtime, they were able to fall asleep faster and also experienced additional health and behavioral benefits than those who didn’t. The same study showed that, once the melatonin was discontinued, the children’s sleep and behavioral problems returned.

The positive effects of melatonin are echoed by earlier trials in children with ADHD who are affected by sleep disorders, which help to confirm that melatonin is effective in treating insomnia.

Zinc Sulfate

Zinc deficiency appears to contribute to the development of ADHD.

Over the course of a 6-week double-blind study of 44 children previously diagnosed with ADHD, zinc sulfate supplementation, given as an adjunct to methylphenidate, improved ADHD symptoms.

Other research on the impact of zinc on those with ADHD over an 8-week period suggests that a daily dose of 30 mg is effective in reducing the amount of amphetamine needed to treat ADHD and that this dosage is well-tolerated and safe.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 deficiencies have been observed in those with ADHD. Though the evidence related to the influence of omega-3s on ADHD is mixed, certain studies suggest that multiple types of omega-3 fatty acids may be effective in treating ADHD symptoms in adolescents.

A 30-week study on omega-3 fatty acids demonstrated potential therapeutic effects on ADHD symptoms in children, particularly in those who are hyperactive and impulsive. Some of the specific benefits that have been observed with omega-3 supplementation in those with ADHD are cognitive effects, including enhanced visual learning, reading, and memory, as well as improvements in hyperactivity, impulsivity, and attention.

Omega-3 supplementation appears to enable the reduction of stimulant medication doses in those with ADHD. Even though more research is required, given this impact and the safety profile of omega-3s, some experts have suggested that omega-3 supplementation may offer a suitable alternative to pharmacological interventions in those with ADHD.


Phosphatidylserine is a fat-based substance that protects nerve cells in the brain and helps them to transmit messages. Supplementation with phosphatidylserine has been shown to improve ADHD symptoms in children, including symptoms related to cognition. Some research suggests that phosphatidylserine supplementation may be particularly effective for ADHD children who are experiencing strong behavioral and emotional symptoms.

Main Takeaway

ADHD is a complex condition that can significantly affect people’s well-being. While traditional “first-lines” of treatment (stimulant drugs) are effective for about 70% of people diagnosed with ADHD, a significant percentage of people with ADHD may not benefit from these drugs due to ineffectiveness, severe symptoms, or a greater risk of addiction, among others.

Fortunately, there are several herbal and nutritional supplements, which we review here, that have been demonstrated to assist in managing ADHD symptoms. With your healthcare team’s approval, these may be used in conjunction with or instead of pharmacological treatment.





Butterbur (Petasites) for Migraine Headaches | Risks & Benefits

If you’re a Healthcare Professional recommending Butterbur (Petasites) to your patients, it’s important that you stay up-to-date on the latest information (see links at the end of this post).

As a chemist, medical researcher, and drug developer, four of the multitudinous questions you ask yourself when trying to decide if you should invest time and money into developing, using, or recommending a particular compound are:

  1. How likely is it to be effective for the specific condition it’s being considered to treat?
  2.  Are there any known or potential side effects or adverse events that could hypothetically occur?
  3. How do the answers to question #2 impact the risk/reward profile of the compound?
  4. Are there any other competing compounds that seem to have similar benefits with lower risk?

Over 15 years ago when we received multiple patents describing the use of a combination of two magnesium sources, high dose riboflavin, and special extracts of feverfew for prophylaxis of migraines, butterbur had not yet been shown in a randomized clinical trial to be effective for migraine prophylaxis. Of course back in 2002, when the study by Lipton et al was published showing efficacy, I paid a lot of attention to butterbur and strongly considered creating an additional formula or adding it to our existing patented combination (now known as Akeso’s MigreLief with Puracol™).  Since the release of our Original MigreLief with Puracol™ we have formulated new products with additional ingredients, for example, MigreLief+M for menstrual/hormonal migraines and MigreLief-NOW a fast-acting “as needed” formula, yet none of our products contain butterbur.

Butterbur leaf

It was clear that the response to butterbur was favorable and by not offering it in one of our products we would be losing out on the additional revenue it was sure to generate. Nevertheless, we decided never to use butterbur in any of our products. We could never get comfortable with the fact that we had to rely on a manufacturing process to consistently remove the Hepato-toxic and carcinogenic pyrrolizidine alkaloids that are found in unprocessed butterbur. Of course, this was just our company’s decision, and many companies and healthcare professionals used or recommended butterbur.  In fact, the American Academy of Neurology and the American Headache Society supported butterbur. As healthcare professionals, we all try to stay current on as much of the medical literature and reporting as possible.

In the last few years, much new information has surfaced regarding butterbur and we are providing you with links to that third-party information to enable you to make the best decisions for your patients (see below).


To the Best of Health,
Curt Hendrix
Chief Scientific Officer,  Akeso Health Sciences



2021 NIH – National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health – BUTTERBUR  | What do we know? How much have we learned? What do we know about safety?

2020 NCBI – Butterbur – Continuing Education Activity

“Butterbur (derived from the leaves of Petasites japonicus) is an herbal supplement that has been found to be effective in the prophylaxis of adult migraines in multiple studies. Based on these trials, the American Headache Society gave the herb a level A recommendation and declared it to be effective in the prevention of migraine headaches. This activity reviews the mechanism of action, adverse event profile, toxicity, dosing, and pharmacodynamics of butterbur and the recommended monitoring of patients taking the drug to avoid adverse effects.”

Kaiser Permanente – Butterbur Uses and Warning

2017 “Caution: Due to reports of liver toxicity, butterbur products are being voluntarily withdrawn from markets in the United Kingdom. Based on these reports, butterbur should not be used unless a doctor determines that the potential benefits outweigh the risks. People taking butterbur should be monitored by the doctor for adverse effects.”

Update on the efficacy and safety of Petadolex®, a butterbur extract for migraine prophylaxis – Dr. Joseph M. Prietto.
DovePress March 10, 2014

Migraine Preventative Butterbur Has Safety Concerns

“…Despite butterbur’s potential efficacy, doubts are increasing about the long-term safety of this supplement given the risk of liver damage and the lack of an actively regulated preparation. Due to the mounting concerns, the American Headache Society is currently evaluating a position statement cautioning against its use.” Migraine Preventative Butterbur Has Safety Concerns

Addressing the Long-Term Safety Aspects of Butterbur Therapy- A Call for Immediate Action
Andreas Schapowal, MD, Ph.D., DSc, Hon




Daily Magnesium Decreases the Risk of All-Cause Mortality

Besides Its Favorable Effects on Migraines, Daily Supplementation of Magnesium Decreases the Risk of All-Cause Mortality

Like a best-kept secret, not everyone knows the importance of magnesium to good health and longevity.

What is all-cause mortality? The word mortality means death. Simply stated, all-cause mortality means the death from any cause, disease, accidents, disasters, etc. But with respect to medical terms, it means mortality from any disease, infection, or medical condition.

Risk Factors
A risk factor is a condition or behavior that is known to increase vulnerability to a particular outcome disease. While mortality can be random, patterns can often be found that result from particular behaviors. Many studies aim to assess which risk factors lead to specific illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes, or cancer.

What This Means for You
It may not be obvious at first exactly why certain good habits help you to avoid a broad spectrum of diseases and conditions, however; as the evidence builds over time, scientists can determine which behaviors increase good health and longevity the most such as staying active and maintaining a healthy weight. For this reason, when a study references all-cause mortality, it’s a good idea to pay attention to the advice given.

Just some of the serious diseases that shorten life span include; heart attack, atherosclerosis, stroke, cancer, hypertension, diabetes II and inflammation.  Inflammation is now generally regarded as being the start of many of the diseases we contract.  Other illnesses and conditions can cause stress which leads to many of the diseases just mentioned.  They included migraines, fibromyalgia, depression, osteoporosis, kidney stones, angina, asthma, insomnia, and many others, too numerous to list. Stress is the biggest depleter of Mg and unfortunately, we are all under different types of stress including physical stress like exercise and working out.  A disease or condition also causes daily stress and daily depletion of magnesium.

The above diseases and conditions above have one thing in common. They can be caused and/or exacerbated by the lack of magnesium.

Many of our readers know the benefits of magnesium when it comes to preventing chronic migraines, but the benefits do not stop with migraines. Other very important reasons you need to consume enough magnesium on a daily basis are:


diabetes• Helps to maintain healthy blood sugar levels

• Helps to maintain healthy blood pressure levels

• Helps to prevent heart attacks

• Helps keep the heart beating regularly

• The citrate form along with potassium helps to prevent kidney stones

• Helps with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

• Reduces risk of heart pains (angina)

• Helps prevent spasms of breathing pathway in asthma

• Helps protect the bones against osteoporosis (may be more important than calcium)

• Helps to prevent the symptoms of PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome)

• Helps to reduce urinary urgency in women

• Helps to reduce or eliminate leg cramps

• Helps to prevent constipation


STUDY:  Magnesium and All-Cause Mortality

A study, completed in Germany, indicates that low magnesium levels are associated with thickening of the left ventricle of the heart which can lead to cardiac dysfunction and death.

In addition, low levels of magnesium lead to increases in all-cause mortality, not just heart-related deaths.

It was found that all-cause mortality was 7 times higher in the low magnesium group and cardiovascular mortality was almost 2.5 times higher than in the higher magnesium group.

Seeds, nuts, halibut, cooked spinach, milk products, fruits, and leafy vegetables are just a few good sources of magnesium.

Taking a good multi-vitamin that contains at least 350 mg of magnesium would also help to prevent any dietary deficiencies and reduce your risk for illnesses and disease.


To the Best of Health,
Curt Hendrix, M.S., C.C.N., C.N.S.




Prevent Migraine & Avoid Middle Age Weight Gain

Is it possible to achieve long-term menstrual migraine relief and achieve your desired weight? 


90% of women gain weight between the ages of 35-55. The average weight gain is about 15-20 pounds, with a disproportionate amount of this weight being an increase in body fat.

What is unfair about this, is the fact that much of this weight gain and/or body fat increase, can occur without, increasing caloric intake. This is different than the weight you gain because you eat too much of the wrong foods and don’t exercise enough. It’s the stubborn, difficult weight gain or increases in body fat percentage (without weight gain) that occur in women, middle-aged, and beyond.

Why does this phenomenon occur in so many women in this age range, and what can you do to prevent or reduce the good chance this may happen to you?

There are specific techniques and natural supplements that can help balance a female body that is desperately trying (and in many cases with limited success) to balance many physiological processes, that by design, change with age. These changes can cause uncontrolled and undeserved weight or body fat percentage gains.

Much of this new weight will NOT be gained as much around the hips and thighs but in the stomach and waist area. Shifting/fluctuating hormones, stress, and insulin resistance are the guilty parties.

Women who suffer from migraines will also be glad to learn that controlling these same issues of fluctuating hormones, stress, and blood sugar due to insulin resistance will reduce their migraine frequency and intensity as well.

Why does this weight gain occur when hormones fluctuate and stress and blood sugar are poorly controlled?

Some women can start experiencing the symptoms of early menopause (perimenopause) as soon as their mid 30’s. The hormonal fluctuations of perimenopause and the few years after menopause (one full year with no period) can strongly influence your metabolism, appetite and increase your storage of fat.

Though your hormones will fluctuate during perimenopause, the general trend is for your estrogen levels to diminish with ultimately the cessation of ovulation.

The body is aware of decreasing levels of estrogen from the ovaries and searches for new sources of estrogen production. Unfortunately, fat cells are a source of estrogen and the body may convert more calories into fat.

Though progesterone levels also tend to decrease during this period, decreasing progesterone levels don’t cause weight gain but they may cause water retention making you feel puffy or bloated.

Testosterone levels may also decrease during perimenopause (and menopause). This could result in decreased muscle mass (as well as other things like decreased libido). Less muscle mass would lead to decreased metabolic rate and additional possible weight gain.


As if dealing with fluctuating hormones isn’t enough of a challenge during these years of a woman’s life, both men and women (in ever-increasing numbers, mostly due to diet) are becoming “insulin resistant”.

This is a condition where your body is no longer as responsive to the hormone insulin, as it was when you were younger. Our bodies require increasing amounts of insulin to be released to maintain blood sugar at healthy, non-diabetic levels. Insulin resistance can occur whether you are overweight or thin.

When our bodies don’t respond in a sensitive way to insulin, the sugar in our blood is not absorbed efficiently by our cells and they don’t get the source of energy that they need. The cells can feel deprived and appetites increase and fat accumulation and weight gain can occur.

In the case of women suffering from PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome), the insulin resistance that accompanies this condition leads to weight gain as well. But in the case of PCOS, the women often have too much testosterone and this causes the weight gain to occur around the stomach and waist much as it does in men. Also, hair at the crown of the head can thin, and hair may grow on the face and back.

Weight Gain Belly Fat

In fact, because estrogen and progesterone levels drop more than testosterone levels during perimenopause and menopause, women may also tend to gain more around the middle than the hips and thighs. Some women tend to lose their waistline.

The fact that you can grab around your belly is NOT the problem. This is just subcutaneous fat, and though cosmetically not desirable, it is not the fat that increases cardiovascular and cancer risk.

It is the fat beneath your abdominal muscles that surrounds your internal organs that is of greater health concern. This fat is called abdominal or visceral adiposity.

It is the fat that protrudes out some men’s stomach to the point where they look like they swallowed a beach ball but yet they continue to say, “Feel how hard my stomach is!”  There is so much fat underneath the abdominal muscles, pushing them outwards, that of course, the abdomen feels hard.

Insulin resistance, as well as stress and hormonal fluctuations, can successfully be controlled and reversed and your body, self-image, emotional status, energy levels, cognition, health and overall life will improve dramatically.

How do you know if you are insulin resistant?

One measurement is to measure yourself around the smaller part of your waist (but do NOT suck your stomach in when taking this measurement). Then measure your hips around their widest part.

Divide the waist measurement in inches by the hip measurement in inches. If the resulting number is .8 or larger for women or 1 for men, then you have disproportionate weight in the waist and are at greater risk of having insulin resistance.

Your risk further increases if you have hypertension, low HDL levels (below 45 if you are a woman), or high triglyceride levels (above 150).

If you have darkened skin patches around the neck or armpits, it is extremely likely that you are insulin resistant. This is a condition known as acanthosis nigricans.


The effects of long-term stress on our overall health are very significant. One of the most important hormones that are released by our adrenal glands when under stress is cortisol. This is necessary and helps us to deal with short-term stressful events or stimuli.

But, when stress is chronic, and cortisol is being released in excessive and lasting amounts, it can also lead to weight gain and other health problems. Like insulin resistance and hormonal fluctuations, stress must also be dealt with.

Bringing It All Together

Because stress, hormonal fluctuations, and blood sugar fluctuation due to insulin resistance are major contributors to chronic migraine headaches as well as weight gain, using key dietary supplements or “natural medicines” to prevent hormonal or menstrual migraines will also help resolve the related weight gain issues just discussed.

Struggling with hormonal migraines and/or middle-age weight gain?

If you are struggling with hormonal migraines (migraines that occur just before, during, or after your period or occur during menopause), here is a list of ingredients to give you the benefits you want to achieve:

Chasteberry – A specific extract of Vitex Agnus Castus, otherwise known as Chasteberry extract has been shown in numerous human studies to naturally balance the hormonal fluctuations discussed above.

Biotin – Doses of biotin, (vitamin B7) much higher than normally found in multi-vitamin products, have been clinically proven to help regulate blood sugar irregularities that can be caused by insulin resistance.

B-6 – High doses of Vitamin B6 have been shown to decrease or eliminate the symptoms of PMS (including bloating and related weight gain) caused by fluctuating estrogen levels. This vitamin is also involved in the processing of sugar and can help protect against the effects of blood sugar fluctuations caused by insulin resistance.

L-Theanine – This amino acid derived from green tea, has been shown to be very calming and helps to reduce stress levels.

Chromium Picolinate – This essential trace mineral can improve insulin sensitivity and enhances protein, carbohydrate, and lipid metabolism

Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium) – This herb has been recorded as a medicinal remedy for millennia. It is commonly recommended for its ability to reduce platelet aggregation (which can lead to vasoconstriction & migraines) and to support cerebrovascular tone (blood vessels in the brain).

Riboflavin — High doses of Riboflavin have been proven in clinical studies to mitochondrial energy deficiencies which are common to many migraine sufferers just before an attack.

Magnesium — This mineral is needed for more than 300 processes in the body. Magnesium has numerous effects that support normal cerebrovascular tone and function which makes it very important to migraine sufferers.  Among its many other health benefits, magnesium helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels and healthy blood pressure.  It also helps to prevent the symptoms of PMS (premenstrual-syndrome).

Regimen for long term hormonal migraine and weight control benefits

For those of you who fear that they are insulin resistant or struggling with hormonal migraines or middle-age weight gain, I suggest the following:

  1. Take the above-mentioned ingredients at the proper doses shown to be effective in human clinical studies
  2. Consume at least 50 grams of dietary fiber spread out throughout the day with meals. Fiber helps to slow the body’s absorption of sugar and prevent fluctuations. Psyllium or ground flaxseed is an excellent fiber choice.
  3. Moderate aerobic exercise of 20-30 minutes a day can also help to correct insulin resistance.
  4. A daily B vitamin complex of 50 mg of B-1, 2, 3, 5 plus folic acid and B-12 can also help with sugar metabolism and stress or consider this combination dietary stress supplement.
  5. Get proper, quality sleep.  If you need help to reestablish normal sleep patterns, here are the natural sleep ingredients you need. Your body repairs itself by releasing growth hormones while you sleep. Those hormones stimulate muscle and protein synthesis, as well as a fat breakdown process called lipolysis. Poor sleep is a major risk factor for weight gain and obesity. Poor sleep has repeatedly been linked to a higher body mass index (BMI) and weight gain.
  6. Diet-wise, lean meats, high fiber whole grains, vegetables, legumes, and fruit will help reestablish normal insulin levels. Until you see weight and or body fat starting to drop, keep carbohydrates in the form of pasta, bread, and sugar to a minimum.

What to expect?

By following this regimen over the course of 3-6 months (3 months or less for migraines) your:

1- Weight or body fat percentages should start to meaningfully drop

2- Your hair, at the front and crown of your head, if it was thinning, should start to thicken

3- Any discolored patches of skin around the neck and armpits should start to lighten or disappear

4- Migraine frequency and intensity (if you were a sufferer) should noticeably improve

5- Energy levels should noticeably improve

6- If you are still menstruating, your periods should be much more regular

7- If you were experiencing perimenopausal symptoms, they should improve

8- If you had unwanted hair on the face or back, it should lighten and thin, if not completely go away.

Read more about some of the natural medicine ingredients written about above.

To the Best of Health,
Curt Hendrix, M.S. C.C.N. C.N.S
Chief Scientific Officer, Akeso Health Sciences



Vitamin D and the Immune System | D2 & D3

Vitamin D is a family of fat-soluble vitamins naturally present in many foods. Some people call it the “sunshine vitamin” because the body produces this compound when the skin is exposed directly to the sun. Humans typically consume two types of vitamin D: D2 and D3. Vitamin D3 comes from animal-sourced foods and D2 is man-made, for the most part. Both types are available as over-the-counter supplements, but studies suggest that vitamin D3 might be better for improving vitamin D levels.

Recent research has shown that taking vitamin D supplements reduces the risk of developing certain respiratory infections, like the influenza virus. Other studies have shown that vitamin D may protect against some types of cancer, including colon and breast cancer. Now, and in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, investigators want to know whether vitamin D could also reduce the risk of contracting the coronavirus.

Vitamin D and Immunity

Vitamin D is the master key to our immune health.

The immune system is a network of cells, tissue, and organs that defend the body against harmful invaders, like viruses and bacteria. Consuming certain nutrients can help you maintain a strong immune system. On the other hand, smoking, being obese or overweight, not getting adequate sleep, and taking certain medications may lead to a weak immune system.

Vitamin D plays many vital roles in the body, immune system support being one of the most important. Every cell in your body has a vitamin D receptor in the nucleus. Approximately 2,000 genes in our body (5% of our genome) are controlled by vitamin D.

According to a 2015 systematic review and analysis of past studies, vitamin D may protect against acute respiratory tract infections. The analysis, published by the British Medical Journal, looked at 25 clinical trials to better understand the relationship between vitamin D and immunity. Specifically, the authors wanted total to see if vitamin D supplements could potentially prevent respiratory infections.

The results showed that vitamin D supplementation reduced the risk of contracting at least one respiratory infection. Additionally, vitamin D was particularly effective at preventing respiratory infections among those who already had a deficiency.

Other reviews of the existing literature have found similar results, like this 2018 meta-analysis, which concluded that vitamin D supplements may have a protective effect against the influenza virus. However, some of the studies analyzed yielded no relevant results or showed no effects on the immune system.

But despite being so crucial for overall health and immunity, vitamin D deficiency remains an important public health issue. About 1 billion people have vitamin D deficiency worldwide, and nearly 50 percent of the entire world’s population has vitamin D insufficiency. In the United States, it is estimated that almost 40 percent of Americans are vitamin D deficient. Vitamin D deficiency is common among dark-skinned individuals, older adults, people who are obese and overweight, and hospitalized patients.

Currently, there is not enough information to say whether vitamin D3 is better for the immune system than vitamin D2.

Vitamin D and COVID-19:  The best mask is a strong immune system!

Person wearing mask and using hand sanitizer

A recent 2021 study shows how vitamin D could halt lung inflammation in COVID-19. The scientists discovered that in normal infections, Th1 cells, which are a subset of helper T cells that fights microbes within the cell, go through a pro-inflammatory phase. During this phase, the body clears the infection. Shortly after, the system shuts down to move onto the anti-inflammatory phase. The scientists discovered that vitamin D is key in speeding up this transition.

Vitamin D had previously been shown to have protective effects against respiratory viruses like the flu, and recent analyses demonstrate that the same could be true for COVID-19.  If your level of vitamin D is at least 50 ng/ml (normal range is 20-100) you can not develop a “cytokine storm” (that which kills in Covid).  Maintaining mid-levels of vitamin D in your system is crucial, however, 70% of the world is vitamin D deficient. Unfortunately, most insurance companies in America won’t pay for a vitamin D blood test to check D levels. 80% of Americans are also magnesium deficient (due to our mineral-depleted soils for growing food). Magnesium is a critical co-factor for D function.

One study led by Northwestern University researchers compared COVID-19 data from 10 countries to each country’s average vitamin D deficiency rates. They found that countries with more vitamin D deficiency had higher mortality rates, whereas countries with higher vitamin D levels were not affected as severely by the virus.

Several observational studies conducted at South Asian hospitals show that the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency was significantly higher among patients with severe coronavirus cases. An analysis of 489 patient records from the University of Chicago found that people who had vitamin D deficiencies before the pandemic were substantially more likely to receive a positive COVID-19 diagnosis than people with normal levels.

Further, according to a population-based study conducted in Israel, low plasma vitamin D levels increased the likelihood of COVID-19 infection even after adjusting for age and other demographic factors. Finally, a recently published Boston University study revealed that those who are vitamin D deficient have a 54 percent higher risk of getting infected with COVID-19.

Vitamin D had been previously shown to protect against respiratory viruses like influenza, and recent analyses demonstrate that the same could be true for COVID-19.

How much vitamin D should I take?

According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the recommended daily amount of vitamin D is 400 international units (IU) for babies up to 12 months, 600 IU for healthy individuals 1 to 70, and 800 IU for those older than 70 years. However, these daily intakes vary depending on several factors, including how much sun a person is exposed to, their diet, and whether they have a preexisting medical condition.

Now may be a good time to get your vitamin D levels checked if you haven’t done so already. The normal range of vitamin D is measured in nanograms per milliliter (ng/ml), and experts recommend aspiring for a vitamin D concentration of no less than 40 ng/ml.

Vitamin D deficiency is very common and may not always produce any signs or symptoms, but the good news is that it’s easy to fix. Increasing your sun exposure; eating more vitamin D-rich foods like salmon, egg yolks, mushrooms, or fortified foods; and taking a supplement are all effective ways of boosting your vitamin D intake.

Remember that no vitamin alone, even vitamin D, boosts the immune system without help from other good health habits. If the COVID-19 pandemic has got you researching how to strengthen the immune system, consider implementing these basic but powerful healthy-living strategies:

  • Don’t smoke
  • Wash your hands frequently
  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables
  • Get enough sleep
  • Stay up to date with recommended vaccines
  • Exercise regularly
  • Build strong social connections
  • Stay positive!

Cold and Flu Season is Really Low Vitamin D Season!

Everyone should supplement with vitamin D during what is known as “Cold and Flu Season”.  It is believed most people get sick from illness and viruses due to the drop in vitamin D levels this time of year.  You do not get as much sun exposure in the fall and winter and become immuno-suppressed due to vitamin D levels dropping drastically.  It is important to note that if you live in the northern states, during fall and winter you’re probably getting zero vitamin D from the sun.  Without the protection of vitamin D, you are open to contracting illnesses.  Protect yourself and supplement with vitamin D!